Sunday, September 23, 2007
Trip to Laos - Day (-1)

Saturday, September 22, 2007
Happy Birthday to You
Oh!! Just noticed that today is Sept 22.
It's my friend's birthday.
He's a friend that I've already lost contact with for quite a few years.
And he's not a very close friend of mine.
For some reasons.. I remember his birthday, every single year, when the day comes.
Although I never get a chance to say happy birthday to him.
This year, let me wish you a happy birthday here..
although I know you are not reading this...
I wish you are doing well.
Label heads: Love
Things to be done before the trip (updated 3)
hehe.. 5 a.m. already..
given up finishing my Gov't and Politics of S'pore essay liao.. =P
I've already written a detailed outline for the essay, just need to really turn it into an essay..
normally it will take me about 3 hours..
but I need to go to Tiger Balm Garden at 10a.m. for a class field trip..
then I need to go and buy something, and need to pack...
also need to get to the airport by 4:30a.m. tomorrow morning..
so I'd better get some sleep now.. =P i think i'll just write it up after the trip.. or tomorrow if i have time..
arghh.. very tired already...
I tried to get a travel insurance with OCBC just now..
and once again I couldn't login my e-banking account just because I forgot my access code..
No, not my password!! it's something called access code! like your username I guess..
arghh.. and I called the customer service for help.. and lucky me.. their server is under maintenance and I need to call them again tomorrow!!
can someone tell me why while technology was invented to make our life easier but we turned out need to memorise more and more username and passwords (don't forget, you can't write it down anywhere cos it's too dangerous to do so!!) just because of advanced technology??? Should we call this an "improvement of life"??
anyway.. my updated to-do list:
1. Money and Banking Essay - 1200 words (KILLED! HoRRAY!)
2. Gov't and Politics of Singapore Essay - 2000 words (outline done)
3. Plan for the Laos trip and see how much I need to bring with me (done)
4. Go for money exchange (done, thanks Paul for telling me the place)
5. Buy a pair of shoes for the trip (done, wear them today, quite satisfied)
6. Get 2 passport photo for visa (ok, used $5 and 5 mins)
7. Look for travel insurance
8. Do the laundry (all fresh and clean!)
9. Pack!! Arghh!!!
10. Must check the way to get to the Plain of Jars from Luang Prabang
11. Study some more about Laos (I keep reading writings about Laos on shuttle bus these few days.. and.. I LOVE them!!)
12. If the take-home exam for Marketing Southeast Asia Hertiage is out by today, need to go and do some research as well (there are only 2 questions, can leave them till after the trip)
and most importantly
13. To find a way to squeeze all the above into a schedule that fits in 3 day time excluding time in the lectures and field trip!! (is it possible anyway???)
Label heads: Life
Something came up to my mind just now.. really wanna write it despite the fact that I've a 2000 word essay waiting for me..
Have been busy with school work and other social activities this semester, didn't have much chance to do some serious writings. I feel really bad about that. Although I managed to get myself started with this English blog, this is very casual writing and its nothing compare to what I used to write in Chinese. And I did have things in mind that I wanna write, just that I couldn't sit still and write anymore... sigh
Anyway.. just now I suddenly remember something I talked with mom last week and wanna write something about it.
She asked me about the new friends that I met here in Singapore outside university. She asked about their age and what they do for living. Actually I'm not quite sure.. =P I never ask my friends this kind of questions. All I could tell her is that some of them are about my age, some are slightly older.. but something special to me is that, seems that they are all married.
Before meeting this group of friends, I've already met some local university students who get married once they graduate. From my observations, Singaporeans tend to get married quite early. hmm.. well.. I should not say "quite early" actually, I do think that they marry in a more appropriate time than Hong Kong people. People in Hong Kong now seems to get married in their later stage of life (i.e. after 35). I guess the main reason is money. In Hong Kong, it's really hard for one to get a flat to start a family, and it's also not very feasible to stay with your parents-in-law because the flats are so small.
The funny thing is.. I am planning to stay in Singapore for several years.. and when I told mom about Singaporeans' get marry in their 20s.. her response was 'Then will it be very hard for you to find a husband?'
afterall.. she's still hoping that I'll be able to get one!
sorry mom, I always try my best to do what you want me to do..
but this time.. I guess it's not something I can control already..
I guess I just meant to be alone.
I'm starting to accept the fact, and getting ready for it.
I hope that you won't be forcing me this time..
cos I just cannot force someone to marry me if nobody love me. =P
and I really wish that you are not the one who give me pressure on this.
Ask me to do something else....
you know I will do anything you want me to as long as I can do it.
even grandma also said that girls can live without guys (although I never agree =P)
you still have two other daugthers.. I'm sure they can do that..
it's too late for me already..
let me do something else for you, okay? =)
Label heads: Thoughts
what I've just done....
I couldn't believe what I've just done...
I just watched a French movie - Tais-toi
I had a good laugh..
what about all the things I have to do??
why the hell did I let myself watch the movie at the first place?
i feel so happy after I watched it.. hehee..
and I'm thinking of watching one more movie tonight... hahahaha
Label heads: Life
Friday, September 21, 2007
Things to be done before the trip (updated 2)
1. Money and Banking Essay - 1200 words (KILLED! HoRRAY!)
2. Gov't and Politics of Singapore Essay - 2000 words (done with outline only)
3. Plan for the Laos trip and see how much I need to bring with me (done)
4. Go for money exchange (done, thanks Paul for telling me the place)
5. Buy a pair of shoes for the trip (done, wear them today, quite satisfied)
6. Get 2 passport photo for visa (ok, used $5 and 5 mins)
7. Look for travel insurance
8. Do the laundry (going to do that now!)
9. Pack!! Arghh!!!
10. Must check the way to get to the Plain of Jars from Luang Prabang
11. Study some more about Laos (I keep reading writings about Laos on shuttle bus these few days.. and.. I LOVE them!!)
12. If the take-home exam for Marketing Southeast Asia Hertiage is out by today, need to go and do some research as well (there are only 2 questions, can leave them till after the trip)
and most importantly
13. To find a way to squeeze all the above into a schedule that fits in 3 day time excluding time in the lectures and field trip!! (is it possible anyway???)
Label heads: Life
take good care
I'm so sorry to hear the news from you.
I'm so sorry that I don't know what I can help.
Please take good care of yourself and your family.
Bless you.
Label heads: Thoughts
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Things to be done before the trip (updated)
1. Money and Banking Essay - 1200 words
2. Gov't and Politics of Singapore Essay - 2000 words"
3. Plan for the Laos trip and see how much I need to bring with me (done)
4. Go for money exchange (done)
5. Buy a pair of shoes for the trip (done)
6. Get 2 passport photo for visa
7. Look for travel insurance
8. Do the laundry
9. Pack!!
10. Must check the way to get to the Plain of Jars from Luang Prabang.
11. Study some more about Laos
12. If the take-home exam for Marketing Southeast Asia Hertiage is out by today, need to go and do some research as well.and most importantly
13. To find a way to squeeze all the above into a schedule that fits in 3 day time excluding time in the lectures and field trip!!
Label heads: Life
Things to be done before the trip
Attending normal lectures and field trip on Saturday morning not included:
1. Money and Banking Essay - 1200 words
2. Gov't and Politics of Singapore Essay - 2000 words
3. Plan for the Laos trip and see how much I need to bring with me
4. Go for money exchange
5. Buy a pair of shoes for the trip
6. Get 2 passport photo for visa
7. Look for travel insurance
8. Do the laundry
9. Pack!!
10. Must check the way to get to the Plain of Jars from Luang Prabang.
11. Study some more about Laos
12. If the take-home exam for Marketing Southeast Asia Hertiage is out by today, need to go and do some research as well.
and most importantly
13. To find a way to squeeze all the above into a schedule that fits in 3 day time excluding time in the lectures and field trip!!
Label heads: Life
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
a little relief.. or not?
Someone must have forwarded my blog entry to my lecturer of Money and Banking..
cos the lecturer suddenly suspends the mid-term exam for one week till 9 Oct!! hooray!!
I'm thinking of giving him a kiss tomorrow during the lecture!! hahaa
okay.. now.. my updated b'day plan again:
1. 8am -10am EC3341 International Economics Mid-term Exam
2. 10am -12nn EC3332 Money and Banking lecture
3. 1 hour rest + lunch
4. 1pm - 3pm Markting SE Asia Heritage tutorial
5. finally got 3-hr break
6. 6pm - 8pm Intercultural communication lecture
looks much better?
let's look at the timeline, shall we?
September 17 : Today!
September 18 : Intercultural Communication mid-term exam
September 23-29 : Laos trip
September 29: International Economics essay due (hey! I'm still in BKK man!!)
October 1: Government and Politics of Singapore essay due
October 2: refer to the b'day plan above
October 4: Marketing Southeast Asia Heritage take home exam due
October 9: Money and Banking mid-term exam
so basically.. after tomorrow's mid-term exam and before I start my Laos trip.. I will have to finish the two essays which will be due just after the break... besides, I also have to get ready for my trip... I still have lots to prepare... like I've just noticed that I'm going to arrive at Phonsavan by bus at something like 1 or 2 a.m. and I really have to plan how I'm going to find somewhere to stay after that... argh... all these are killing me..
can I have more time and energy... and most importantly.. self-motivation?
Label heads: Life
Monday, September 17, 2007
To P
Dear P,
How are you doing?
How's everything there?
I keep thinking of you these days.
I remember
the time we played tennis three times a week,
the time we tried to teach you swim,
and the time we went to your home to have lunch during school days.
It's a shame that we had never got a chance to know each other more,
I always thought we can get a bit closer than where we were..
I felt sorry I didn't have time and chance to contact you after I left HK.
I did get news of you from others, and I do care about you.
Until the very last time, I got that news...
I wish I were beside you..
I'm sorry I was not a good friend.
Hope you are doing well now.
I miss you.
Label heads: Life
Sunday, September 16, 2007
I'm lucky and blessed
Despite all the everlasting exams and homeworks and other stuff I have to do, today is actually a beautiful day for me, starting from the moment I woke up. =)
Woke up at around 11am because of the whole-day walking yesterday (will probably talk about this later), switched on my laptop, found out that the little white Google Talk icon on the system tray had turned into the one with a red M on it... which means... You've got Mail~
At that moment, I had a feeling that it must be the email I've been waiting for ages. I quickly click on the little icon and login my Gmail account. And yes, it WAS indeed the email I have been waiting for. =)
I read through the email three times, and my tears dropped.
No, it wasn't any special touching email from secret admire, it wasn't any email that gives me huge prize. It was just a normal email by a friend, with only a few words about his recent life.
However, it was already the greatest gift of today. I'm really really so happy.
This is all I want, just to make sure my friend is doing well, every now and then.
What's more? We met online later in the afternoon and chatted for a little while! Today is really a nice day to me.
Thank you for sending me the email, my dear friend. =)
I remember the last night we went out. It was late at night, you brought me out for a drink. The music was nice and we had a great time.
On the way back, I leaned on your shoulder when you were driving. I remember that you said something I don't understand, but I didn't care what you were saying because you had never talked to me so softly before, all I wanna do was to remember that voice.
I also remember your touches on my left cheek as I was telling you some of my worries. You'd not been doing this kind of gesture since last time you suddenly pinched my ear when we were drinking. That was really long long time ago, but I somehow I still remember. Although you were not doing this out of love, still I felt so warm at that time and wished the night would never end.
Of course I do remember our last hug. Sad yet sweet. Will we see each other again? We never know. Even I'm lucky enough to see you again, will we still be the same? We never know too.
I don't always remember things in such details. But I do remember our last night, and many other days and nights. Because this is what I want already. I'm too happy with all these that I could remember tiny little funny things that happened between us. I'm too happy that nothing happened at the end and I'm too happy that you are still my friend. This is already too good for me, I think I'm lucky and blessed.
Label heads: Life
I'm totally screwed up..
Why am I going to Laos anyway?
I've got so many things to do...
But I've already bought the ticket.. so I have to go!!
And I have no time to plan what I am going to visit yet!!
I planned to do that after the Intercultural Communication midterm exam on coming Tuesday..
but... I've just found out that I've another essay due after the break..
and the due date is 5pm 29 September.. when I am still in Bangkok!!
so the only way to do is I have to finish the essay by this week and submit it!!
but what about the other essay which due on the 1st Oct?
and the 2 exams on the 2nd?
and most important thing is..
my motivation is very low now.. I didn't do anything AT ALL today and it's already 5:30 pm!!
Label heads: Life
Updated song list
Added song to song list
陳奕迅 - Crying in the Party
作曲: 黎小田
填詞: 黃偉文
編曲: 褚鎮東
熱播的歌 忽爾靜了
場邊 一聲慘叫
觀眾 預了分擔惡兆
大喝三杯 失控地笑
孩子 終於哭了
某個事情大概 不妙了
總有段情 落入這種 困局
或有一天 當你大了
城府 開始深了
讓你哭泣 哭到倦了
重整 呼吸心跳
再接下來就要 收拾了
Repeat *
是 所有熱情會乾掉
Label heads: Music
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Was doing my readings for Intercultural Communication and felt a bit shocked when I read something about "friend" from an article.
Being exposed to different cultures for these years, I do understand that people from different cultures see things in very different ways. And I always agree that "words have no meanings, people do". That means a particular word may have very different meanings to different individuals, or if that individual doesn't speak that language, that word will have no meaning to him/her at all. This is what makes communication and especially intercultural communication so complicated.
All these years overseas, I've been observing how people from different cultures behave differently. How do they communicate, how do they greet, how do they organise projects, how do they treat their lovers, how to they behave in class, how to they chat in public, how do they queue in lines... etc.. However, I've never thought about how they view "friendship" differently.
Until I read this tonight:American friendship differs from that found in many parts of the world, where an individual may have few friends but is likely to have a total, rather than a selective, commitment to them. Individuals may be disinclined to share friends with other friends, since both the quality of friendship and the number of friends are considered limited and hence not to be squandered.
*quoted from Cultural Assumptions and Values by Edward C. Stewart, Jack Danielian, & Robert J. Foster
I always try to be objective when I encounter people from other culture. But after I read this, I feel that I'm still assuming lots of my own values as others' value. This is very dangerous.
As for friendships, in my culture, we have limited friends and we do have total commitment to them (at least I do). I always assume that all others have the same value! And when my foriegn friends told me he/she "value our friendship", I do take it quite seriously. But now I may have to re-value what they said again.
Lucky enough though, as I am from a culture that will only make limited number of friends, I've only made very very few friends during these years overseas.
But let me clarify, when I say "friend" here, I do mean "good friends" that you can share your feelings with, not those you just say hi and bye everytime you meet. I do have lots of those type of friends. =P
But yet, I'm pretty sad after realising this. Now I'm not quite sure about the "friendship" with some particular friends. Even if a particular friend told me that he/she "value our friendship", how can I know what is the definition of "value" in his/her mind? We might have a totally different view on just this simple sentence.
Am I thinking too much again?
Going to Laos soon
Semester break is coming soon, I didn't plan to go anywhere except probably going to Malaysia for a day trip for voluntary work. However something happened to me suddenly and now I've made myself for a one-week trip to Laos by myself.
This is my first time travelling alone. Some of my friends say I'm too brave and even the uncle who sold me the backpack also said I should not go Laos by myself. But I have my reasons for this trip. Although I'm nearly broke, I'm already eating only one meal per day, I still insist on this trip. Besides, the very first time I went to Australia to the hotel school, I was also there alone. Plus, I don't have anyone here in Singapore. So.. what's the difference..
Anyway.. it won't be a perfect trip to Laos though. It is now the rainy season there actually. And 1 week is far too short to explore Laos especially that I don't have money to take inland flights. And bascially I have very little knowledge about Laos until this week I started planning my trip. I'm still not well-planned.. haha..
But I did book the flights already in case I changed my mind last minute and decided not to go. I know myself too well. sigh..
So here's my rough plan so far:
23 Sept - take early flight (0630) to Bangkok, take another flight to Luang Prabang. Stay there for the day
24 Sept - take 8-hr bus to Phonsavan, walk around Phonsavan
25 Sept - visit Plain of Jars
26 Sept - take that 8-hr bus back to Luang Prabang
27 Sept - Luang Prabang
28 Sept - take flight to Bangkok
29 Sept - have a bit time in Bangkok before flying back to Singapore at night.
As you can see from the plan, I won't be able to do many places in my trip. But the main place I wanna go is the Plain of Jars and I really have very tight budget. So this is the way to go..
School starts on 1 Oct, which I will have an essay due on that day, followed by 2 mid-term exams on the 2 Oct... I don't really know how I can prepare all these while going to the trip.. maybe bring along my readings and read them on the bus trips??
Anyway.. I am still going..
see? this is the kind of person I am. Do things without considering the consequences. Stupid enough?
After the trip, I'll probably have no money left for daily life already. But.. let's leave it until later.. I've so many things to worry about at the mean time.
I'm still looking for accommodation during the trip and also planning for places to go during the days in Luang Prabang and Phonsavan, even the last day in Bangkok.
But I also have to prepare for my exam coming up next week!! and also have to look for a job and housing.... etc..
So if you guys have any ideas on Luang Prabang / Phonsavan / Bangkok, please leave me a message ok? And please also give me advise on what I should bring along.. is it ok if I just wear a pair of flip-flops?
arghh.. I'm so not ready for everything... help!
Label heads: Life
There was a 8.4 magnitude earthquake in Indonesia last night. I don't have TV in my room and I was busy with my study last night so I didn't know about this until this morning.
How did I know? I was woken up by an aftershock this morning at around 8am.
I woke up and found that my bed was swining.. since I didn't know there was an earthquake last night and I think there is no earthquake in Singapore, the first thing up to my mind is.. am I sick?
But the swinging was quite obvious and I suddenly noticed the blinds in my rooms were swinging heavily also. So I realised it was an earthquake.
I was a bit freakin' out that time as I really dunno what I should do. It seems not that serious that I should run away from the building. But I did worry about what will happen next. I'm staying on the 6th floor and I'm quite sure that unlike the buildings in Japan, the buildings here are not built in a way that they can stand for strong earthquake. But I also not sure what is "strong" or "not strong".. so I didn't run at last..
I did have similar experience in Hong Kong many years ago. However the swing that time was so slightly that if you were not a sensitive person like me, you won't feel that. That why I didn't worry at all even I was staying on the 24th floor.
After about 3 to 4 min of shaking, everything seems became normal again. Then I checked on the Internet and found out about the earthquake news. Pretty sad that seems it was another earthquake that's going to make serious damage to Indonesia. Hope the people there will be fine.
Although I'm not very worried about where I am now, I start feeling sick ever since that swing.
Just feel like having a seasick.. and it have been already 5 hours and I'm still very sick about that.. I don't even have this kind of feelings when I travel on boats or planes..
What should I do now?
updated birthday plan
I think both of my econ lecturers love me so much that they decided to give me the same b'day present on my b'day.... the mid-term exam! so I will be having 4 hours non-stop exam on my no-so-big day..
so.. my b'day plan is updated as follows:
1. 8am -10am EC3341 International Economics Mid-term Exam
2. 10am -12nn EC3332 Money and Market Mid-term Exam
3. 1 hour rest + lunch
4. 1pm - 3pm Markting SE Asia Heritage tutorial
5. finally got 3-hr break
6. 6pm - 8pm Intercultural communication lecture
7. die already
I also have to mention that the lecturer of Gov't and Politics of Singapore also treats me very good. I have to give him an essay on the day before my birthday (i.e. before my 2 exams!)
thanks for your kindness love my dear lecturers.
Label heads: Life
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Monday, September 10, 2007
Shooting fever
Seems like I've met the craziest group of local photographers since my first gather with them to Pulau Ubin!! These guys are crazy!! But I love them!!
Remember we went out for 6-hour night shooting on Friday night? My upper back was in pain after that 6-hour carrying all my gears walking around the district, leaning forward and backward to get the view I wanted.. But on Sunday morning.. I went out again, with the same group of people! What's more? Since I knew that I couldn't do any studies on Sunday, I stayed up all night on Saturday night.. didn't sleep at all!
We arrived at the Jurong Bird Park exactly at 9 in the morning. The entry fee for the park is S$18, very expensive, so we wanted to fully utilize the opening hours!! So here are some of my takes:

Let me tell you a secret...

Shooting the eagle in the cage w/o showing the cage need certain patient.
What's so funny??
Look at those professionals!!
Taxi~~~ don't want to be shot!
This is a fantastic photo shooting experience. I've learnt a lot again! Now I know how to shoot the bird in the cage, and the owls in the super dark area! And, I've also learnt how to pay attention to other cameras while concentrating on my own shoot, cos you never know who's shooting you!!
When u're attacking someone, there is always someone else attacking u!
We shot all the way till lunch time, and found out that the cafes in the park are SUPER expensive! So, most of us skipped lunch, and continued with our shooting instead.. until 5:30pm .Just when everyone's thinking that we were heading for dinner, somebody suggested to go up to the hill somewhere near the park to shoot the sunset!! So.. we drove up to a hill nearby.. but unfortunately we couldn't find a place to shoot the sunset properly, instead we shot some nice views.

And finally! After a whole day long shooting.. we went to Marina to have steam bowl dinner! I was the only one taking photo cos everyone was soooo hungry and I was the only "tourist" there!

Notice the butter on the table, it turned out to be a sculpture of durian later after the dinner!
What a day!! My whole body is in pain now! But unlike the don't-know-why backpain I've been suffering in the past few weeks, I love this kind of pain! It reminds me of the wonderful time I had!
The group is now planning for more outings in near future. They are really crazy about that! Some of them are planning for what to do in CNY next year!! And someone also thinking of going to Malaysia for overnight shooting!!
I've promised myself, as long as I'm free, I must join them!! I won't let my mood beat me this time.
To see all the photos I took that day, please visit my online album.
Label heads: Life, Photography, Photos
Sunday, September 9, 2007
I am never an expert on this!!
Come on!! You people know that I am a loser in relationships! You know that I only had 2 relationships before and they all ended already. I am a total loser in this field. Can you please don't ask me any more opinions on your so-complicated, so-troublesome problems?
Can you try to ask someone who are more experienced to help you? I've never had more than one guys for me to choose from at any time in my life. Stop comparing the good things of the 2 guys in front of me and ask me to choose for you.
In fact, if you and I were not in such a special relationship and/or if you were not in such a special condition, I don't think I'll still be talking to you. Especially after all those many things happened to me recently.
So please, leave me alone. I've got no time to play with your game.
Label heads: Thoughts
Singapore's night
Went out for night shooting with some local photography lovers I met on a forum last night. We started from 6pm and shot until mid-night. This is my second time going out with them. I enjoyed going out with them very much and we've already planned a few more shooting trips. Once again, I'm proved to be more comfortable with the people who are a bit mature than me. Most (or all?) of them are married men.
Label heads: Life, Photography, Photos
Saturday, September 8, 2007
10 reasons I chose Singapore for exchange
Ever since I've came to Singapore for exchange since Janurary this year, I'm always questioned by my friends for the reasons why I chose Singapore for my exchange but not other countries like the States or Europe.
My friends in Australia never ask me question like this. In fact they are quite excited with my choice, although the common places for exchange are still those Western countries. On the other hand, the local students in Singapore seems never understand why a person like me would chose to stay in Singapore for a year.
I truly understand their doubts. I grew up in Hong Kong, a place where perceived to be very similar to Singapore. Why should I come to Singapore to experience the same culture and same lifestyle? Besides, people in Asian countries, especially the younger generation, do have a feeling that life in Western countries is somehow better than here and we should at least find some ways to experience it.
Then why would I come to Singapore?
1. Before I give you my reasons, maybe you can stop for a second and think why should I NOT come to Singapore?
2. I do not think that Singapore is very similar to Hong Kong. In fact they are quite different in terms of culture. And I think that every single place has its own unique culture for us to explore.
3. I've been staying in a Westernised country, Australia for more than 2 years before I came to Singapore. I've also stayed another 1 year in Sydney several years ago. Although Australia is not located in the West....
4. Singapore gives me a gateway to explore the Southeast Asian cutlure, which is far more interesting than the Western culture and also something going to dissappear in near future.
5. Language is a barrier to me. If I can speak more languages, I would be going to places like Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia...instead.
6. I can't afford going to Europe / the States even if I want to.
7. The university I'm going to study here is not my 1st concern as I'm still graduating as an ANU student. And the experience is far more important for me than the name of the uni.
8. Compare to Australia, I saved some living costs for my parents by chosing to study in Singapore.
9. Somehow, I think I'm meant to be here to meet someone... then get hurt.
10. This is my choice. I want to do it. Don't judge me.
Is that enough?
Label heads: Thoughts
beautiful night, broken heart
Went out till very late tonight, missed the last bus so had to take cab home.
Sat comfortably in the cab, the driver was kind enough to play beautiful songs in his cab. I guess it was his collection of best songs with various languages.
Songs were nice, and the route was familiar...
looking out from the windows, watching the lights passing by..
the scene looks the same..
but everything is changed.
I'm in a stranger's car, sitting at the back seat, no more jokes, no more fights, no more laughter, no more shoulder to lean on, no one singing anymore.
The only thing left ... my tears.
But really wanna thanks Mr. Taxi Driver, thought he saw me crying but still said goodnight to me sincerely at last.
Label heads: Life
Song list
1. Forever Love (Acoustic Version) - X Japan
2. Hey There Delilah - Plain White T's
3. 一人一半 - 伍家輝
4. When You're Gone - Avril Lavigne
5. A la Claire Fontaine
6. Tears - X Japan
7. Tonight I Wanna Cry - Keith Urban
8. Anak - Freddie Aguila
9. 給我一個家 - 泳兒
10. 夢一場 - 蕭敬騰
11. Por Ti Volare (Con Te Partirò)
12. Sweet Child O Mine - Guns N' Roses
13. Innocence - Avril Lavigne
14. Don't Cry - Guns N' Roses
15. How Can I Not Love You - Joy Enriquez
16. Tears (Live) - X Japan
17. Against All Odds - Phil Collins
18. Endless Rain - X Japan
19. Young Folks - Peter Bjorn And John
20. Say Anything - X Japan
21. I Believe in You - Il Divo and Celine Dion
Label heads: Music
Friday, September 7, 2007
B'day plan
My birthday is coming soon. I've a great plan to celebrate this great day.
The celebration will start from 8am.
1. 8am -10am EC3341 International Economics Mid-term Exam
2. 10am -12nn EC3332 Money and Market Lecture
3. rush for lunch
4. 1pm - 3pm tutorial
5. slack
6. 6pm - 8pm Intercultural communication lecture..
than's my celebration of me a wonderful day!
I haven't told anyone my b'day unless they found it on my faceboook
But I'd prefer to be alone that day... drink as much as I can
Label heads: Life
Headless songs
Added a song player on my blog to share some of the songs I like with all of you.
Listen to them when you have time.
Will try to post the playlist later.. too lazy to type now..
Label heads: Music
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
heart attack attacks...
After all these years..
my heart pain suddenly comes back..
I almost totally forgot about this problem already..
it was so many years ago (actually just like 5 years but I had bad memories) when I had to go to hospital to do all the check ups and nothing was found at the end..
my heart pain was with me for some time during those days but I never care about that until part of our family went to do the regular check up and I was found to have irregular heart beat..?! then followed by lots of check ups...
the pain was gone I think until I was under the treatment for depression.. and I was told to that that heart pain could be one of the symptoms of depression..
but last night 3:45a.m... was a disaster..
but I was still chatting with him like nothing..
yes.. I'm learning.. to live alone.
Label heads: Life
a new story plot
an ending to me
is usually a time for me to start my writing again
didn't have time to write seriously recently..
and I guess, I've got a fantastic plot to start with now..
with my over dramatic imagination, it will be a nice piece of writing.
hopefully my readers will like it..
but when can I finish writing it?
how many times will I cry until I finish the whole story?
no one knows.
ha! yes.. No one knows!
Label heads: Thoughts
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Wash your clothes before u wear it!
Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi Malaysia
Country: Malaysia
Label heads: advertisments
I'm not strong enough
I'm not strong enough
to live all by myself
I long for a shoulder to lean on
a pair of ears only for me
or sweet whispers that make me smile
but this is not my path
and I need to be strong
I need to be strong
Label heads: Thoughts