Two interesting print ads in France. First one done by Callegari Berville Grey for Aquafresh toothbrush showcasing it's 'flexibility'. Second one done by BDDP & Fils for Rugby, mix-matching the tough side of the game and the romantic side of the place of the game - Paris.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Two interesting print ads in France
Label heads: advertisments
Creepy Pepsi Billboard Ad
Personally, I prefer Pepsi than Coca-cola. But this billboard ad really makes me sick!! It's already horrible when they turn the lips to red and blue, what's more horrible is the have to turn the face to grey!!
It reminds me that when Pepsi first tried to step in the coke market, they wanted to differentiate themselves to Coca-cola by changing the color of the coke... to blue! well.. it may work if they do that today, but not that many years ago when in people's mind 'blue liquid = mouth wash'. It was a failure of course and they had to change Pepsi to dark color, just like Coca-cola.
Seems to me that Pepsi doesn't have a good sense of using the right color in marketing.
Label heads: advertisments, Marketing
I love this cartoon
I love this cartoon.. but dunno where I can watch it again anymore.. I don't think there will be this kind of great story anymore..
Label heads: Just for Fun
Life is so unpredictable.
We don't really know where we will be tomorrow, or even the next minute.
Changes always happen after we planned everything and settled down.
Was quite drunk last night when I went to bed at around 3am..
but woke up at 7 this morning..
dunno why I really wanna go for a run..
but I forgot the fact that I was so drunk last night and I didn't eat yesterday..
so half way on my run... I almost fainted..
silly me..
shouldn't do this anymore.
Label heads: Life
Friday, July 27, 2007
Please support!!!
Songs of today:
1. Try to Remember
2. The Way You Look Tonight
3. All in White
4. Way Back into Love
5. Rain and Tears
6. Canonball
7. 每日一禁果 - 黃耀明
8. 純情 - 王菲
9. 姊妹 - 楊千嬅
10. A Waltz for a Night
Label heads: Music
Stewie Playing Banjo
Warm out today
Warm yesterday
Even warmer today
Met her on my CB
Said her name was Mimi
Sounded like an angel come to earth(come to earth)
When I went to meet her
Man you shoulda seen her
Twice as tall as me three times the girth(girth)
Oh my fat baby loves to eat(loves to eat)
A big ol' buddha-belly and her breasts swing past her feet(feet)
My fat baby loves to eeeaaat
My big old fat ass baby loves to eat
I got blisters on me fingers!!
Label heads: Music
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Symptom of recovery
There has been no sun shine here in SG since last Saturday. I couldn't go to swim these days since I feel so cold and sometimes it rains. But I managed to make myself for a run tonight.
And yes, it was a run, not a jog for me tonight. I thought I ran for around 40 mins, on a road that goes up and down! Of course I was very slow, but it was a breakthrough to me. I can easily swim for an hour, I can easily play badminton for an hour, but I could never run for even 10 mins.. In fact, I don't even chase a bus!
Why could I manage to do that tonight? I don't know. In fact, I'm surprised for my endurance on keep on exercising these days. When I was running just now, I did think of a reason to explain this.
It's a symptom of my recovery.. though it is 2 years late.
I had 2 'official' relationships before. The first one last for 4+ years, the second one last for 3+ years.
I remembered some time before I broke up with the 1st bf. He brought me to a gym. It was nothing like those Califorina Fitness or Fitness First. It's more like a guy's gym. You can rarely see gals like me there.. all people there were muscular men.. scary.. haha.. And the plan was freakin expensive!! But both of us could afford it coz we were both working at that time and I was still living with my family. We used to go there 2 or 3 times a week together and spent like 3 hours there. We signed up for a 6-mth contract and we broke up before the contract ended.
Maybe I was so used to go out after work but I got nowhere to go by myself right after we broke up, so I went to the gym 3 times a week... doing lots of exercise.. I felt sooooo good when I'm exhausted after 3 hrs of extensive training.
I left my 2nd (i.e. last) bf 2 years and 2 mths ago. (yes, don't think I can remember this.. I just checked my emails to confirm that..) And yes, I chose to leave him, which I always think was the biggest mistake I've ever made. My life since then was in chaos.
2 years after our broke up, I finally find the symptom of recovery.. I start exercising.. I start to be active again. Thank god.. I really thought that my life was going to end like that.
Just now I read through some of the emails between us, I read the one that he replied me when I told him I wanna leave him. He promised he will always be my friend. I guess this is the 2nd promise that he's not going to keep.
He's the person who made me believe in promises, and also the person who made me not believe in promises anymore.
U ask me? There's no such thing as 'promise' in this world.
And how I think of my 2 exs now? well.. 1st ex and I are still good friends and we sometimes go out together when we happen to be at the same country. 2nd ex... I miss him.
Monday, July 23, 2007
Harry Potter
I'm not a super fan of Harry Potter, I only go to its movies. The final installment of Harry Potter is finally released. Interestingly, people queued overnight for the book, they hated those people who claimed that they know the ending of the story and put them on the internet.. but what they did when they first got the book was - went straight to the last page of the book to find out if Harry was dead!
I do think the plot of Harry Potter was a good one and at least it brings some people back to read! But is it the best thing to read? I really wonder..
Let's see what other people said:
Famous writer 倪匡:
Nicholas Lezard (a writer and critic with The Guardian newspaper in the UK):
It's the kind of writing which a nine-year-old kid would probably be pretty
chuffed at producing. And if you teach a nine-year-old kid to produced that kind
of stuff, you'd be fairly pleased. But Rowling's a very well educated woman,
she's clever, and I'm in fact a bit mystified that she writes like, so clunkily,
given that there are so many other children's writers who have quite a nifty
turn of phrase.
Here, from page 324 of The Order of the Phoenix, to give you a typical example,
are six consecutive descriptions of the way people speak. "...said Snape
maliciously," "... said Harry furiously", " ... he said glumly", "... said
Hermione severely", "... said Ron indignantly", " ... said Hermione loftily". Do
I need to explain why that is such second-rate writing?
Label heads: Books
Sunday, July 22, 2007
How feminine am I?
You Are 80% Feminine, 20% Masculine |
![]() You are in touch with your feminine side. Sensitive, intuitive, and caring are all words that describe you. And you're just masculine enough to relate to both men and women. |
You Are a Fierce Femme |
![]() You have a wild side, and you aren't afraid to bring it out when the time is right. But you also know when to hang back and keep your "crazy chick" persona in check. In fact, some of your friends may be surprised to find out how far you can take it... You may look mild mannered, but it's all an act! |
Men See You As Understated |
![]() You are an intreguing mix of girl and woman. You're feminine, quiet, and a total mystery to most men. Yet they often feel the urge to protect you, even if they don't know you. You *are* a flirt, but you usually only flirt with those you know well |
You Don't Have a Boyfriend Because You are Too Shy |
![]() When a guy gets to know you, he finds a great catch Problem is... you're too shy for most guys to get to know. From meeting someone to dating, you usually have your guard up. And while you're just holding back, it makes you seem like you've got something to hide. |
You Don't Need a Man ... or Want One! |
![]() Generally, you're very happy being a single woman. And anyone who has a problem with that... well, that's there problem. Not that you wouldn't share your life with the almost perfect guy. You simply won't settle though. Your life is too good to share with some substandard man! |
Label heads: Just for Fun, Love, Man
Saturday, July 21, 2007
If I were in Family Guy, I would be...
![]() | You are Lois. You are caring and conservative, but you've got a wild side. =D |
Find Your Character @ |
Label heads: Just for Fun
I had a chat with a friend tonight about girls. I said that I'm more like a man than a girl and he agreed. He also agreed that it's gonna hard for me to find a man to love me. sigh
I am really upset about this. I keep thinking about although I was watching some movies all night long. Am I really that bad?
Okay, I am not pretty and I am not skinny, but I do think I've a feminine mind. I can't let myself to show my femineity to all the people I met, at least I never show to new friends, never... I feel disgusting when I behave like a total female in front of strangers and especially in front of other female. I just don't like that.
Even for close male friends, I still behave differently to each of them. It all depends on how they treat me. If they treat me as a girl, I'll be a girl. If they treat me as a guy, like always say "hey man" to me.. then I guess it's no way for me to be a girl.
But maybe if you ask my ex, he will tell you how feminine I could be. I guess he's the only one who had ever seen that side of me. When I was with him, I was totally different. I just cannot do something similar to the people that I'm not close to.
My brother also commented me about this before. He knows that I can be a very feminine girl but just that I don't open up myself to others. He knows because he saw my weak times.. he knows that I always need protection, just like other girls.
He is right. Ever since I broke up with my ex, I never open up myself. I'm kind of self-monitoring my behavior.. I don't want to get into any relationships.
It's kinda sad when I heard this friend's comment tonight. I thought he understands me, but he doesn't.
And it's also kinda hurt. Seems to me that all his comments on me so far were all negative.. I think I'm really a low quality female friend of his.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
The King and I
I think I'm going to see The King and I musical in August...
but the ticket I could get now is too good (too close to stage).. have to wait for one more week I think..
Singaporeans like to buy ticket at the very last-minute..
last time I saw someone asking for a ticket to the Phantom of the Opera on the night of the show.. crazy..
Label heads: Life
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
You know you're from Hong Kong when...
You know you're from Hong Kong when...
- You pretend (and tell people) that you know Mandarin because you can speak Cantonese.
- You started singing karaoke when you were five.
- You are an expert in mahjong.
- You tip only 10%.
- You prefer Sony.
- You have more than 30 cousins.
- You confuse Welcome with Wellcome. (hahaa...)
- You have many credit cards.
- You have more than two DVD players at home.
- You wear famous brand clothes: DKNY, Versace, Chanel, Polo, etc. even though all your Polo shirts are from ladies’ market. (not me...)
- You always have the latest mobile phone.
- You play badminton.
- You drink vita soy. (of cos man!)
- You love to go yum cha. (who dun love to go?! haha..)
- Your friends ask you if Hong Kong is a country. (hahaa.. and is HK in Japan..etc)
- You call a lot of your friends Fei Jai. (hmm.. i spent 30 sec to get this one..)
- You’ve lost a lot of money on the Mark Six.
- You know what it means when you call someone inch.
- You eat instant noodles too often.
- You've dyed your hair before.
- You are studying engineering, business management or law.
- You try to avoid pork chops. And i'm not talking about the food.
- When you go back to Hong Kong, the last thing your smoking friend asks you is to buy them a carton of Reds.
- You read "tsing tao" instead of "world journal" or "china press."
- You party at Club 7-11.
- You ALWAYS buy real software and DVDs. ALWAYS.
- You never order appetizers at a restaurant. (BS!! I wish I could only have appetizer but not the mains..)
- Your Chinese handwriting really sucks. (NO! mine is quite good!)
- You build a mountain of salad when you eat in Pizza Hut.
- Your stationery has pictures of your favourite cartoon character.
- People accuse you of having (and starting) SARS.
- Your foreign friends don't mess with you because they think you know kung fu.
- You have a collection of model robots, built or yet to be built.
- If someone buys something, you brag about how its cheaper in Hong Kong.
- When you leave HK, you always stock up on duty free at the airport.
- When having dim sum, you rinse your dishes in hot water before you eat. (hygiene ma)
- You have two middle initials instead of the usual one.
- You spit bones and food scraps on the table.
- You have heaps of shoes and slippers blocking the entrance to your home.
- Your kitchen is coated in a film of sticky grease.
- Your cook top is covered with tin foil.
- You buy $10 VCDs.
- You hate nerds, even though you are one.
- You ask, "when are you going back to Hong Kong?" instead of "when are you going to Hong Kong?".
- You miss the drinks and snacks that you can only get in Hong Kong.
- You have a Walkman, Discman and Minidisk player that you don’t use anymore because you use an MP3 player.
- You use tick tick pencils instead of regular pencils.
- You've played all the computer games that have ever come out.
- You play ... err ... you ARE the Street Fighter Champion.
- You show off your mobile phone that you got in Hong Kong "for cheap."
- Your luggage is near empty when you arrive in HK, and it's full when you leave.
- You expect to pay for transport in other countries with your Octopus card, only to be disappointed.
- If your are a guy you are really interested in military stuff (guns, aircraft, tanks), but you’re too pussy to be a soldier.
- You inherit your elder brother's clothes and your younger brother inherits your clothes.
- You once had loads of 4wd model cars.
- You’ve had a Tamagotchi.
- You have a PlayStation, Gamecube, Xbox and you will get the Xbox 360 soon.
- You use Bak Fa Yao.
- Justin's gay.
- You have at least one shirt that says "Hong Kong" on the front.
- When there is a sale on toilet paper, you buy 100 rolls and store them in your closet or in the bedroom of an adult child who has moved out.
- You have a vinyl table cloth on your kitchen table. (this is so dated!)
- You use Park 'N Shop bags as binliners. (why not.. hehee)
- You always leave your shoes at the door.
- You have a piano in your living room. (come on, the rooms are too small!!)
- You can twirl your pen around your fingers.
- You eat red bean popsicles.
- When you go to a dance party, there are a wall of guys surrounding the dance floor trying to look cool.
- People ask you if there are trees in Hong Kong, and they don't believe you when you tell them that 76% of HK is green.
- You wish you were Son Goku.
- Or that you had Ding Dong's pouch.
- Owning a Mercedes Benz means you are well off, but it's nothing compared to owning a lawn mower - the ultimate status symbol.
- You feel like you've gotten a good deal if you didn't pay tax.
- If you're a guy, you wear basketball shorts as pajamas.
- Your mother used to hit you with a chicken-feather duster and shout "da sei lei!"
- You beat eggs with chopsticks instead of a fork.
- You like Chinese films in their original undubbed versions.
- You're in another country and everything moves so slowly.
- You like congee with thousand year old eggs.
- You prefer your shrimp with the heads and legs still attached.
- You're in love with David Beckham. More for the ladies, but some of you guys do too ;)
- You use a face cloth.
- You use a clothes line.
- You starve yourself before going to all you can eat sushi.
- You miss the MTR, and Red Taxis.
- You know someone who can get you a good deal on electronics.
- Chinese food in other countries doesn't taste right.
- You never discuss your love life with your parents.
- Your parents are never happy with your grades.
- You keep most of your money in a savings account.
- You love Chinese Martial Arts films.
- You have Tupperware in your fridge with three bites of rice or one leftover chicken wing.
- Shaolin and Wu Tang actually mean something to you.
- You shat your pants before the 1997 handover. (I didn't! haha)
- You own a Snoopy toy from Mcdonalds.
- You never order sweet-n-sour pork, egg foo young, or chop suey at a Chinese restaurant.
- You tell your friends that people don’t actually eat prawn crackers in HK, and they don't believe you.
- You turn bright red after drinking alcohol.
- You look like you are sixteen.
- You have more than five remotes in your house.
- You wear (or need) glasses.
- Your parents (or some other close relative) own a grocery store or restaurant.
- Your grandmother lives with you and your family.
- You always have water when dining out.
- You say aiya! and wah!.
- You’re mum talks to you in Chinese and you reply in English.
- It annoys you how shops close at 5pm in other countries and you expect them to be open.
- You love little red envelopes.
- You cut your own hair, or get friends to cut your hair.
- You know at least three people named Alan Wong.
- People don't believe that you live on the 28th floor. (my block have 41 floors.. haha)
- Your dad is some sort of engineer.
- Your parents still tried to get you into places half-price saying you were 12 when you were really 15.
- You ask your parents help on one math problem and 2 hours later they're still lecturing.
- You're in another country and you try to make a local call, but wtf? you have to pay for it!
- You have a 40 lb. bag of rice in your kitchen.
- You've had a bowl haircut at one time in your life.
- Your parents compare you with their colleagues' nerdy kids.
- You've mastered the art of bargaining.
- You eat bak choy.
- You wish you could go back to Hong Kong for just 1 day, which you would spend shopping and eating.
- Your favourite movie is Shaolin Soccer.
- And you play football in baak faan yu.
- You make a list of things to do and buy when you get back.
- You have no eyelashes.
- Your parents expect you to be best friends with nerds.
- And always tell you your cool friends are bad.
- Your relatives' houses smell like incense.
- Everyone thinks you're good at math.
- You say, "University level maths? I took University level maths in year 8!"
- You are the god of gamblers. (doe sun)
- You think Sailor Moon is hot.
- You learned about the birds and the bees from someone other than your parents. (I dun get this)
- You have way more technology than your foreign friends.
- All of your friends ask you to translate whenever they see Chinese characters.
- The vast majority of the people related to you wear glasses/contacts.
- Your parents have either made you play the piano, the violin, or both.
- You get nothing if you do well in school, but crapped on if you don't.
- You think Mcdonalds in other countries is expensive.
- You get homesick when you watch Rush Hour 2.
- Your dad still pulls his socks up to his knees.
- Your family always cheers for the Asian athlete on TV.
- The furniture in your house never matches the wallpaper, the carpet, the decorations, or any of the rest of the furniture.
- You hit aeroplanes. (...... not me.. i think only guys do...)
- You own a rice cooker.
- You buy soy sauce by the gallon.
- People think that PK stands for Penalty Kick, but you know what it really means
- Your friends ask you if Hong Kong is in Japan. (see, told you!)
- You tell all of your foreign friends that you are related to Jackie Chan and they believe you.
and lastly,You know you're from Hong Kong when you're from the most awesome city in the world!
Label heads: Just for Fun
Monday, July 16, 2007
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Getting worse??
I have been taking Stilnox since late Feb.. stopped for a few weeks during May/June I guess..
but taking it again now..
First I took 10mg as my doctor suggested for quite awhile then I dropped it to 5mg then even 2.5mg.. it always work.. at least for 4 hours.
I started taking Stilnox again recently and I'm taking 5mg only and it works as usual until this week. I just felt sleepy but couldn't sleep with 5mg.. and had to take another 5mg.. which made me a bit scared.
Don't really know what I could do to stop it but Stilnox is not addictive so it should be my own problem.. should find out the problem as soon as possible... sigh
I don't want to be the next one who do those stupid sleep-driving, sleep-whatever thing..
Label heads: Life
Saturday, July 14, 2007
That's Amore!
hahaa.. i'm so old... i love this kind of songs!!
That's Amore - Dean Martin
Label heads: Music
is this me??
Label heads: Photos
About me..
this is so true about me... >.<
Label heads: Thoughts
Before/After marriage
Excuse me to post a Chinese thread here but this is super funny and super real!! hahhaa
I love it!!
Label heads: Just for Fun
Starbucks finally moves out from Forbidden City
Ever since Starbucks has its store opened at the Beijing Forbidden City in 2000, there have been complains and protests against the store of bringing foreign pop culture to the chinese traditional culture.
Starbucks had already tried lowering its profile by removing its exterior design but it didn't help. As an anchor for China Central TV's English Channel Rui Chenggang wrote earlier in his blog, Starbucks' presence "undermined the Forbidden City's solemnity and trampled over Chinese culture."
The store was already closed last Friday.
Details: Forbes
Bad memory? Forget about it
"We think we now have a grasp of the neural mechanisms at work, and hope the new findings and future research will lead to new therapeutic and pharmacological approaches to treating a variety of emotional disorders."
Label heads: News
Friday, July 13, 2007
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Wanna write down everything I'm thinking now... but a bit lazy.. and I've already taken my sleeping pill.. so need to go to my bed before I lose my conscious. =P
sigh.. I'm still taking my Stilnox.. although just half of the dose that my doctor suggested me to take.. but still.. guess should cut it to 1/4 dose tomorrow night..
Hope that the increasing amount of exercise will also help.. Besides swimming, I also started jogging for an hour tonight already.. I didn't run cos my left stomach still felt a bit pain even I just jogged. But I guess I will try slow run next time. (However, I realized that my jogging speed was actually a bit faster than some of those "runner" on the street.... =P)
ok.. getting dizzy already... have to go..
wanna get up early tomorrow and swim.
mood level dropped a bit compared to the day I went to have hair cut.. that day was in a happy mood.. now.. seems dropping and dropping... must find someways to lift it up again!!
Label heads: Life
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Apple making fun of its own ad
I'm sure you must have watched the Apple 1984 ad before, it was made when Apple introduced the Apple Mac and the slogan was "you will see why 1984 won't be like '1984'"
Here comes another Apple ad on iPod.. the plot was almost the same as the 1984 ad.. but a funny version.. =P and at the end it remains you "remember 1984 we said we wouldn't be like '1984'.... whatever.." =D
The Apple 1984 Ad
The iPod Ad
Label heads: advertisments
The Wii Ad
What is so good about the Nintendo Wii?
Just watch this ad and you will know ALL about it!
Unlike other game machines, Wii is more targeted on the ease of use rather than developing sophisticated games..
I had these feelings when I watched this ad:
- Wii is for all players, from experienced players to non-gamers (see the lady who plays the golf game, she looks so "shy" as if it was the first time playing a TV game)
- Wii is for everyone, from kids to youth and to parents. Everyone knows how to use it.
- Wii can be played anytime, you can play it youself, you can play with your friends, your bf/gf, and your family.
- Wii has a wide variety of games: sports, fun, "violent" (I love the idea that the guy used the sword to "almost" kill the enemy and end up with a za-zen pose, just to aviod blood scene in the ad)
As an ad being shown before the launch of the product, I think the ad works really well and it can really shows the joy of playing Wii. And it also uses the "i" character in a very creative way to keep people in mind that it's all about Wii. I think the ad really helps generating people's willingness of purchasing their product.
Me? My sister got one in Australia as soon as it was available. I still remember she and her friend went out and get that pre-ordered Wii some time around mid-night that day. I'm not a TV gamer (I only play NDS..) but I really did enjoy playing Wii. =P
Label heads: advertisments
A Nintendo Mario Ad shooted in HK
This ad was shooted in HK, but was never shown in HK.
Label heads: advertisments
Brilliant ad!!
This video is 7+ mins long.. but I'm sure you will finish it!! It's just too amazing to be missed!!
However, I've been trying to search for more information about the making-of the "dance" like where, when, and why but I couldn't find any clue till now. Some said it's a performance during the halftime of some soccer game... some said it's an internal event of Samsung... no one knows...
the only thing I can tell you now is... this is damn nice!!
see the guy guiding the whole team? he's also dancing!!
I'll keep on searching for more information and will update you as soon as I got anything new. =P
Label heads: advertisments
Getting harder and harder...
While it's said to be a must to have a whatever-degree for one to survive, it seems that it's also getting harder to just get a seat in the universities.. it's happening in my home uni - ANU.. and it's also happening here at NUS..
look at how a NUS student think about this..
Label heads: Thoughts
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Hope it won't hurt Chinese businese & force them to produce better goods
Health food maker promotes "China-Free" products
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - It's bound to go down the wrong way in Beijing: A U.S. health food company will label its products "China-Free" to ease concerns about contamination.
see more from Reuters
Monday, July 9, 2007
Must know Singaporean traditional songs (2)
(This is not an official song.. =P)
We Live In Singapura! - Hossan Leong
Sang Nila, Utama
Saw a lion, alamak
Name the village Singapura,
then run very far
Years later, ang mor came
Stamford Raffles was his name
Posed for statues very nice, we kenna colonize
Singapura very strong
Big guns all, pointing wrong
Japanese, came on bikes,
invade us from our backside
War is over, ang mor back
Singaporeans no respect
Commies come, make a fuss,
Singapore independance!
I live in Singapura
It’s not perfect living
But at least it’s interesting
I live in Singapura
Though it’s kind of crazy
We win other country
David Marshall, Lim Yew Hock
National Anthem starts to rock
Yusof Ishak the big man, guess who’s PM?
Malaysia say, come join me
Two of us be same country
Then not happy, Then make PM cry
PM Lee lead country
Build jurong and HDB
Made the country clean and green,
opposition cannot win
JB Jeya no more funds,
Chee Soon Juan won’t eat his buns
Lim How Doong, what a goon,
'Don’t talk cock’ in parliament
Kick out from Malaysia Cup
Michael Faye pain in the butt
S-League, Tea Dancing,
Ah Bengs love Modern Talking
McDonalds Hello Kitty
Everyone drink Bubble tea
Crushing cockroach Margaret Chan,
James Lye is VR Man
Reclaimation, Tuas Causeway
Malaysian water buay ho sei
Mahathir’s friend Datuk Anwar,
Mathathir says he’s chow Ah Qua
NDP, aunties rush
Everyone it’s fun to flush
Bubble gums are all banned,
ask your friends buy from thailand
Driving car, not funny
Bid on cars with C-O-E
E-R-P, Road Tax,
PARF until I want to barf
Why our locals have to pay?
Foreign talent are okay
Housing estate upgrade
by contractors who go pok kai
IMF must follow
Want to protest, go indoors
M-R-T not so fast
Newater they laugh at us
Baby bonus, maid levy
Singtel Shares give out for free
Jack Neo, Kit Chan,
sexy pastor Ho Yeow Sun
Beckham parties with models
Has affair but no one knows
S-league, go world cup,
can come true if they don’t suck
Mahathir then Abdullah
Bar top dancing at the bars
Budget airlines start to pa (ie fight)
Stop speaking Singlish lah
Gay is okay says PM
SM Lee becomes MM
PM Lee the same name,
here we go all over again.
Must know Singaporean traditional songs (1)
Thanks my Singaporean friend for sharing these Singaporean traditional songs. =P
Singapore Town (Acapella)
You could take a little trip around Singapore town
In Singapore city bus
To see Collyer Quay and Raffles Place
The Esplanade and all of us
Because in Singapore, Singapore
Their hearts are big and wide you'll find
Because in Singapore, Singapore
You'll find happiness for everyone
Let's go down to the riverside, it's an unforgettable sight
To see the sunrise on a faraway isle, turning darkness into light
( Repeat Chorus )
The buildings are climbing all the way to the sky
And there's a hundred other people who are striving
For people like you and I
( Repeat Chorus )
All by myself
Woke up at 8 this morning.. sat by the window and had a good thought about what I was doing these days... and about a call from my mom yesterday...
I suddenly made up my mind..
I searched on the Internet for a good hair salon here in Singapore and able to find one with good reputation and made an appointment at 2pm.
Went out to have a lunch.. walk a bit and had my hair cut..
yes.. I had my hair cut..
not exactly what as I planned. (I planned to cut it very short)
but I think at least 5cm was gone..
feel a bit fresh and light..
I am supposed to keep my length to as long as possible for my ex..
cos he likes long and straight hair..
when we were still together, I once cut my hair very short and permed it without telling him in advance... he was a bit shocked and I later found out he doesn't like that kind of style..
so some time later, I decided to rebond my hair and started keeping it long.. but we had already broken up at that time..
I never want to cut my hair after that... until today..
finally I have it cut!
I'm starting my life without him, and without any guys.
I've got lots of things to do now.. I've to plan for my career.. I've to work hard for my health.. I've to live for myself..
I'm now single, but not available. I'm too busy to fall in love. =)
All set
My plan is set:
Dec 7: Last examination at NUS
Dec 8: Fly to HK
Dec 10: Fly to AU for graduation ceremony and trip
Dec 23: Fly back to HK
I'm so glad to know that I'll be in HK for Christmas. I'm not going out with anybody this year. I'll just stay at home with my two cats. I've been leaving them alone for so long. I'm so sorry..
Label heads: Life
Sunday, July 8, 2007
A La Claire Fontaine
A very nice Quebec folk song. Although I don't speak French, I still like this song very much. But I like the version sung by Shang Wenjie together with Choir of the Beijing Takah more.
Label heads: Music
Saturday, July 7, 2007
Is this gonna be my timetable next semester???
I don't have much choice but to take these five modules for my final semester:
EC3341 International Economics I
EC3332 Money and Banking I
NM2216 Introduction to Interactive Media
NM2201 Intercultural Communication
SE3214 Marketing Southeast Asia's Heritage
I like the last 3 modules and I hate econ...but... look at the timetable... and look at Tuesday!! I gonna go to class from 8:00am - 8:00pm!!!! where's my life?!??!?!?!
Label heads: Life
Baby Girl Buried Alive in India Survives After Farmer Sees Hand Sticking Out of Ground

The two-day old baby, who had apparently never been fed, was recovering in a hospital in the Mahbubnagar district of Andhra Pradesh, said Charu Sinha, district superintendent of police.
Indian society has long favored boys, who do not require the enormous dowry payments that bankrupt many poor families when their daughters marry.

The police arrested the two men and will charge them with attempted murder, Sinha added. Mehrunnisa, who only goes by one name, will be charged as an accomplice. Her husband, Abdul Ghani, had gone to the neighboring state of Maharashtra in search of work.
Raheem has seven daughters and "he feared that he will not be able to bear the burden of the eight females in the family," said Sinha.
The baby was rescued when a farmer, Ram Kumar, saw her hand while he was driving to his fields on a tractor. Kumar and other villagers rushed the baby to a nearby hospital. The unnamed baby weighs only 1.7 kilograms and is expected to be taken to Hyderabad on Friday.
Label heads: News
Friday, July 6, 2007
只因喜歡你 - 王菲, 林海峰
Another old Cantonese song.. the song is not very nice one.. but I like it for 2 reasons:
1. It was sung by two of my favourite singers: Jan Lamb and Faye Wong (the original version was sung by another female singer 周美茵 instead of Faye Wong)
2. I love the name of the song.. in Cantonese only.. if u know my Chinese name.. you will know what I mean.. =P
只因喜歡你 眼里缺點都優美
只因喜歡你 偶有過失都不理
碰見你以后 我眼里只得你
只因喜歡你 你要我點都可以
只因喜歡你 那介意睇邊出戲
世界縱再大 我眼里都只得你
早午晚上 有了你心間空間載滿了趣味
風霜雨霧 我替你擔當抵擋那會退避
只需于一起 天色陰晴都美
只因喜歡你 會偶爾吞聲忍氣
只因喜歡你 縱抱怨不敢生氣
你笑我幼稚 縱錯了因喜歡你
早午晚上 有了你心間空間載滿了趣味
風霜雨霧 我替你擔當抵擋那會退避
只需于一起 天色陰晴都美
只因喜歡你 會偶爾吞聲忍氣
只因喜歡你 縱抱怨不敢生氣
你笑我幼稚 縱錯了因喜歡你
只因喜歡你 只因喜歡你
只因喜歡你 只因喜歡你
只因喜歡你 (你)
Label heads: Music
A dream job for guys
Label heads: Marketing
The Lake House
Watched this movie long time ago when I was still in Australia. We rent the DVD and watched it while having BBQ at our balcony. But since we started very late we couldn't finish the movie and had to return the DVD by midnight... and I missed the ending......
Finally had a chance to watch it again today. A nice romantic movie but should be too unrealistic to most of the people I guess. Not to me though cos I think a lot I imagine a lot, I tend to accept this kind of stories as a story. I enjoyed watching it and enjoyed putting myself into the situation, at least I can be loved for one and a half hours.. haha
Yep, this movie is pretty unrealistic. I'm not talking about the communication over time, I'm talking about the time that Alex (Keanu Reeves) waited to see Kate (Sandra Bullock). How long did he wait for? 4 years I guess? I wonder nowadays if anyone would wait someone for 4 months!
I admit that I'm kind of old fashion person. I can't take relationship easily. I can't do one-night-stand. I can't kiss someone I don't like. Maybe that makes me hard to find "the one".
I've been trying to tell myself to stop thinking about finding true love and to focus on other parts of my life since I lost my ex. I thought I am starting to do so.. but I just realised these few days that I couldn't really do that.. hmm.. maybe I am still too emotional? Is it because I'm a female?
But things will be changed soon. I'll be graduating by the end of this year, starting my new life back in HK. I guess I'll just put myself into advertising field.. where I will have no time left except for my career.. well... this is not something I want most.. but it is the best way for me to stop thinking stupid things.. hahaa..
偶遇 - 林志美
This morning I woke up, a song pops up in my mind... this is a very very old song as you can see from the MV below.. but I like it very much..
sigh... I'm damn old..
偶遇 - 林志美
风 带着微笑轻吹 天空里云偶遇
難忘是当天你 那默然的相醉
心 印下微笑的影 天天去回味
迷人是一刹那 再回头已是没法追
哪日才可 哪日才许
会是如歌 会是如诗
bad news for me...
I've been taking Stilnox since March.
I used to take 10mg every night and able to sleep for at least 4 hours.
I gradually reduce the dose to 5mg and sometimes even 2.5mg and it still worked.
at last I quitted taking it and I had no problem with my sleeping for a short period of time.
now I'm taking it again for some reason..
and I start with 5mg only..
it always works for at least 4 hours..
these days it works even more than that, whenever I took the pill, I will wake up at 5:57am..
yes.. that's an interesting side-effect of Stilnox.. you will wake up at a particular point in time everyday..
but just now I took 5mg at 12:30am.. I went to bed.. and here I'm writing this blog!! it's only 2:30am!!
so.. it only works for 2 hrs now..
I don't wanna keep taking Stilnox anymore.. although it is a new medicine that is not addictive, there are some proved side-effects of it... like people go driving after they took Stilnox and slept.. had sex with strangers... etc.. I know they are taking far more heavier dose than me.. but it is still better for me to be able to sleep on my own.
However, these days I'm so tensed for no reason. Heart beating so quick, breathing also very quick but hard.. I can't relax and sleep. And I also have some problems in my mind that I can't solve it out and I have no one to talk to..well.. I can't tell anyone.. not even on this blog.. sigh.. how can I sleep with all these things??
But if I keep taking Stilnox, I can already tell what my side-effect would be.. cos I got some hints everytime I took it now already.. sigh.. I just cannot let it happen!!
The most important thing is, I won't have enough pills for the rest of the year, which means if I continue to take it, one day I'll need to go back to HK and ask my doctor for more.. which I will need to pay my own ticket and own medicine costs... cos I just cannot tell my family about least not this time...
arhh... how come all these shit come to my life all together??? Just let me graduate in Dec and become a normal person working 9-6pm until I die.. I won't care about anything else... I won't care about happiness, love, dreams.... forget it... just give me peace...
Label heads: Life
The best I could do
this is the best I could do to you..
to hide away from you..
to be a coward, as I always do..
cos I'm no good to you..
I won't forget how good you are.
I won't forget how happy I was whenever you are beside me.
I won't forget how stupid I am.
Please forgive me.
I will miss u.
Label heads: Love
Thursday, July 5, 2007
A shoulder to cry on - Tommy Page
Tommy Page was once my idol for a little while when I was very young (you can guess my age now.. =P) but I never knew that he has this song. Very old school but the lyrics are so nice to me now.. I wish one day someone on earth will say something like this to me.. well.. again..
Shoulder to Cry On - Tommy Page
Life is full of lots of up and downs
And the distance feels further when you're headed for the ground
And there is nothing more painful
than to let you're feelings take you down
It's so hard to know the way you feel inside
When there's many thoughts and feelings that you hide
But you might feel better if you let me walk with youby your side
And when you need a shoulder to cry on
When you need a friend to rely on
When the whole world is gone
You won't be alone, cause I'll be there
I'll be your shoulder to cry on,I'll be there
I'll be a friend to rely on
When the whole world is gone
you won't be alone, cause I'll be there
All of the times when everything is wrong
And you're feeling like
There's no use going on
You can't give it up
I hope you work it out and carry on
Side by side with you till the end
I'll alway be the one to firmly hold your hand
no matter what is said or done
our love will always continue on
Everyone needs a shoulder to cry on
everyone needs a friend to rely on
When the whole world is gone
you won't be alone cause I'll be there
I'll be your shoulder to cry on
I'll be there
I'll be the one you rely on
when the whole world's gone
you won't be alone
cause I'll be there!
And when the whole world is gone
You'll always have my shoulder to cry on....
Don't write me off - Hugh Grant
Love the lyrics of the song.. just matches with the movie perfectly!
Don't write me off - Hugh Grant
It's never been easy for me
To find words to go along with a melody
But this time there's actually something on my mind
So please forgive these few brief awkward lines
Since I met you my whole life has changed
It's not just my furniture you've re-arranged
I was living in the past
But somehow you've brought me back
And I haven't felt like this since before Frankie said relax
And now I know based on my track record
I might not seem like the safest bet
All I'm asking you is
Don't write me off just yet
For years I've been telling myself the same old story
That I'm happy to live off my so called former glories
But you've given me a reason to take another chance
Now I need you despite the fact that you've killed all my plants
And now I know I've already blown more chances
Than anyone should ever get
All I'm asking you is
Don't write me off just yet
Don't write me off just yet
The smell of a man

My father is exactly those men who always have his leather shoes shined by himself and his sport shoes washed until like a new pair of shoes. And I got to learn how to do the shoe shine of my own leather shoes when I was a little kid.
However, in some places this hint doesn't really help. Places like Singapore, HK and Australia in summer time, where everyone just wear thongs or slippers.. you can't really tell how well they take care of their "shoes". I've found out another way to "understand" a guy a bit more long time ago.. by his smell. It works anytime and anywhere and it works even better than their shoes.
The smell of a man tells you a lot. Smokers and guys with bad smells are never my cup of tea. I don't mean to discriminate those people who have body odor.. but there are so many ways to deal with it.. at least to prevent other from smelling it from your body. So I guess if I can smell it from you, it just means that you don't really care about it.
When I first realized I somehow care about the smells of my male friends, I did think about all my friends and their smells. I found that all the male friends that I can get alone well smell good, well.. at least ok. Some of them really smell very good. For example, my "brother" in HK is one of the best smelling guys I've ever known. As far as I know, he doesn't wear cologne. He just smells good with his clothes and his body foam etc. Another one is a recent close friend I met here in SG, I don't know much about him, but I think he smells very nice as well.
My ex has a special smell to me. I can't say he smells good, at least the two guys I mentioned above smell better than him. =P But I loved being close to him. He never had bad body smells even when he sweats. He never use deodorant nor cologne. He just like to bath but he never care what kind of bath foam he got to use. well... doesn't sound like the "perfect" type I'm looking for in terms of smells... haha.. but he did smell special to me. Hard to explain.. haha
You may be wondering why I suddenly talk about sexy thing like this... yep.. cos something happened this afternoon when I went swimming in the pool....
I've just finished a few laps and I was adjusting my goggles when a foriegn guy jumped into the lane next to me. I didn't have time to have a clear look at him and I smelt something really really strong and..... made me sick... I swear... he wears perfume!! and it's those strong perfume that I will also get away if a gal wear it....
I really have no idea why a guy would wear perfume to swim in a pool!! I didn't think about it.. I quickly went under the water, adjusted my goggle and swam to the other side of the pool.
Sigh... I later found out that he's quite a handsome guy, with a pretty good body shape, and he swims quite well too.
Label heads: Man
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
A wake up call this morning
Me: Hello
Young lady: May I speak to XXX please?
Me: Speaking.
Young lady: Hi, I'm calling from ANU exchange office.
Me: Oh, hello.
Young lady: Just wanna ask, you are on exchange to NUS in 2007 right?
Me: yes I am
Young lady: ok, your citizenship... you are not an Australian PR or citizen, are you?
Me: no, I'm not
Young lady: Oh, what a shame! We have a scholarship for student going to NUS this year. But only for Australian PR or citizens....
Me: Oh..
Young lady: Nevermind then.. byebye.
Me: Thanks. bye.
Can they just check with the registration system instead of calling me and tell me I can't get scholarship because I'm not an Australian?? >.<
Label heads: Life
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
I've tried all the ways I know to relax but it never help. I feel hopeless now. There's no way I can go to Thailand like this on my own and I have no choice but to suspend it and to save the money in case I have to take a few days back to HK... sigh... I really don't want this to happen..
But I really feel like a stretched rope... going to break soon..
Label heads: Life
This is my favourite food in HK called 粉仔, but you rarely find this in places other than a particular place in Tuen Mun. I didn't know about this food until he brought me there... cos he lives somewhere near there and he knows about it for a long time.
I love it after my first try, and I always asked him to bring me there even we had to take bus for more than one hour from where I lived. I just love to go there and eat.. or I just love to take the bus trip with him? I dunno.
I've never had 粉仔 anymore after I left him. I can't go there alone, I can't even go there with anyone else. I don't think I will try it anymore...
I thought I can really live by myself, but when I saw this article.. I still cry.
Label heads: Love
Monday, July 2, 2007
The only 2 things I saw today
I've been studying in Singapore for 6 months, today it's my first time visiting Sentosa. The weather today is so nice so I decided to go for sun bathing, by myself. Too bad that I lost my bikinis when I was in Australia, so I have to buy a new one.. $$ gone...
I realized that I've been pushing myself a bit too much these days, not for my study though... for other aspects of my life. Although I am having a long holiday before the next semester starts, my sleeping disorder is getting worse, I've to take Stilnox every night. But I recognize that I won't have enough for the remaining time before I go back to HK again.. so I have to stop taking them asap.. sigh..
That's why I went to the beach today.. and I went there not for shooting.. just went there to lay down and relax. I hope I can slow down myself a bit.. I hope I can take things more easily.. I don't want to be a serious person anymore.. it's very tiring.
But if you know me well, you will know that I'm never able to stop thinking.. NEVER.. haha.. even I was reading my book / having a nap on the beach just now.. I was thinking... mostly about my past. I realized that the last time that I went to a beach by myself was already about 9 years ago!! I used to go to the beaches alone, just sat there for some hours doing nothing.. yes.. I'm weird.
After sun bathing, I had a beer at one of the bars at the beach. When I asked the waitress for a bottle of beer, she "stared" at me and said "one only?". I smiled and said "yes".
Yes, I'm all by myself now. After all these painful days.. I guess I am really starting my new life, my single life, and learning how to enjoy it and live with it. And I guess it will be a long way to go.
wish me luck.
A pill to forget?
Do you have a particular part of your memories that you want to forget about? Do you want to have a "delete" button to your brain so that you can select what you want to forget?
In the film Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Jim Carrey and Kate Winslet decided to undergo a process to have their memories of each other erased. In reality, it's much simpler, we can do it by just one pill.
Scientists have found that a drug called propranolol, a medication commonly used for high blood pressure can be used to erase/weaker horrible memories and retain the good ones.
If I have one of those pills.. would I take it?
Details: CBS News
Label heads: News
One of my men (5)
haha.. I've give you a prize if you know his name! =P
(p.s. he is not a friend of mine, he's a musician)
Label heads: Man
Sunday, July 1, 2007
National Museum of Singapore
Went to the National Museum of Singapore today, took a few photos only, but had a GREAT fun!! This is one of the best museums I've ever visited.
Too bad that I started a bit late today, so even I skipped lunch, I couldn't go through every single part of it.. especially when I was carrying my Canon 350D.
I'll go there again and give it a full day visit. =)
Label heads: Life