My father is exactly those men who always have his leather shoes shined by himself and his sport shoes washed until like a new pair of shoes. And I got to learn how to do the shoe shine of my own leather shoes when I was a little kid.
However, in some places this hint doesn't really help. Places like Singapore, HK and Australia in summer time, where everyone just wear thongs or slippers.. you can't really tell how well they take care of their "shoes". I've found out another way to "understand" a guy a bit more long time ago.. by his smell. It works anytime and anywhere and it works even better than their shoes.
The smell of a man tells you a lot. Smokers and guys with bad smells are never my cup of tea. I don't mean to discriminate those people who have body odor.. but there are so many ways to deal with it.. at least to prevent other from smelling it from your body. So I guess if I can smell it from you, it just means that you don't really care about it.
When I first realized I somehow care about the smells of my male friends, I did think about all my friends and their smells. I found that all the male friends that I can get alone well smell good, well.. at least ok. Some of them really smell very good. For example, my "brother" in HK is one of the best smelling guys I've ever known. As far as I know, he doesn't wear cologne. He just smells good with his clothes and his body foam etc. Another one is a recent close friend I met here in SG, I don't know much about him, but I think he smells very nice as well.
Couple years ago, I knew a guy using the CK Be Cologne for Men and since we were living in school, me and my roomate always went to his room to just smell the cologne. And at last we both decided to buy one for our own boy friend at that time. I know that my ex never use cologne, so I bought him the deodorant instead. I don't know if he likes it or not, but he didn't use it everyday.. he just use it when he thought it was an important day. And at last, when we broke up.. he left it in my home.
My ex has a special smell to me. I can't say he smells good, at least the two guys I mentioned above smell better than him. =P But I loved being close to him. He never had bad body smells even when he sweats. He never use deodorant nor cologne. He just like to bath but he never care what kind of bath foam he got to use. well... doesn't sound like the "perfect" type I'm looking for in terms of smells... haha.. but he did smell special to me. Hard to explain.. haha
You may be wondering why I suddenly talk about sexy thing like this... yep.. cos something happened this afternoon when I went swimming in the pool....
I've just finished a few laps and I was adjusting my goggles when a foriegn guy jumped into the lane next to me. I didn't have time to have a clear look at him and I smelt something really really strong and..... made me sick... I swear... he wears perfume!! and it's those strong perfume that I will also get away if a gal wear it....
I really have no idea why a guy would wear perfume to swim in a pool!! I didn't think about it.. I quickly went under the water, adjusted my goggle and swam to the other side of the pool.
Sigh... I later found out that he's quite a handsome guy, with a pretty good body shape, and he swims quite well too.
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