Tuesday, December 4, 2007

A conversation between a brother and a sister

Besides a lovely father, I've also got a super supportive brother, Charles.
He's not my real brother. We were colleagues before and then turned out to be brother and sister. He claimed to be my elder brother while he is actually younger than me.

How supportive is this brother?

Example 1
Although there is no scientific proof, he still let me claim that my IQ is higher than him by 1 point.

Example 2
Two days ago, I used my mini vacuum cleaner to clean my room. And I suddenly had a brilliant idea to use the vacuum cleaner to vacuum my keyboard (I'm using a laptop). I can tell that my idea really worked because the "C" key was sucked half way up!!
I then spent almost 20 minutes playing with that tiny "C" key and actually pulled it all out of the keyboard! But of course I managed to fix it at the end.
To celebrate this, I sent an email to Charles and told him how smart I am!
Of course he replied (two days later though) and agreed!!

By the way, later that day I found out that the "4" key was also sucked up... and I fixed it within 2 minutes! Hahaa. I'm quite a professional now!

Dear bro, I love you!! =P

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