Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Happy Birthday to My Daddy
Label heads: Love
The Last Will & Testament of Silverdene Emblem O'Neill
The Last Will & Testament of Silverdene Emblem O'Neill
I,Silverdene Emblem O’Neill (familiarly known to my family,friends & acquaintances as Blemie),because the burden of my years and unfirmities is heavy upon me, and I realize the end of my life is near, do hereby bury my last will and testament in the mind of my Master.he will not know it is there until after I am dead. Then,remembering me in his loneliness,he will suddebly know of this testament, and I ask him to inscribe it as a memeorial to me .
I have little in the way of material things to leave.Dogs are wiser than men.They do not set great store upon things.They do not waste their days hoarding property. they do not ruin their sleep worrying about how to keep the objects they have,and to obtain objects they have not.
There is nothing of value I have to bequeath except my love and loyalty.These I leave to all those who have loved me,especially to my Master and Mistress, who I know will mourn me the most.
I ask my Master and my Mistress to remember me always, but not to grieve for me too long. In my life, I have tried to be a comfort to them of sorrow, and a reason for added joy in their happiness. It is painful for me to think that even in death I should cause them pain.
Let them remember that while no dogs has ever had a happier life(and this owe to their love and care for me),now that I have grown blind and deaf and lame, and even my sense of smell fails me so that a rabbit could be right under my nose and I might not know, my pride has sunk to a sick, bewildered humiliation.
I feel life is taunting me with having over-lingered my welcome. it is time I said good-bye, before I become too sick a burden on myself and on those who love me.
It will be a sorrow to leave them,but not a sorrow to die. Dogs do not fear death as men do. We accept it as part of life, not as something alien and terrible which destroys life.What may come after death, who knows ?
I would like to believe that there is a Paradise. Where one is always young and full-bladdered. Where all the day one dillies and dallies. Where each blissful hour is mealtime.
Where in the long evenings there are a million fireplaces with logs forever burnings, and one curls oneself up and blinks into the flames and nods and dreams, remembering the old brave days on earth and the love of one’s Master and Mistress.
I am afraid that this is too much for even such a dog as I am to expect. but peace, at least is certain. Peace and a long rest for my weary old heart and head and limbs, and eternal sleep in the earth I have loved so well. Perhaps, after all, this is the best.
最後,我有一個誠摯的請求。我曾經聽過女主人說:「伯萊明死後,我不會再養別的狗了。我是如此地愛牠,我再無法愛別的狗了。」 現在,我要懇求她,因著對我的愛。請再養一隻狗!不再飼養別的狗,對於要保有對我的記憶並不會有太多的助益,我所希望的是,這個家庭會因為曾經擁有我,而從此無法過著沒有狗的生活。
One last request, I earnestly make. I have heard my Mistress say,”When Blemie dies we must never have another dog. I love him so much I could never love another one.” Now I would ask her, for love of me, to have another. It would be a poor tribute to my memory never to have a dog again. What I would like to feel is that, having once had me in the family, she cannot live without a dog !
I have never had a narrow, jealous spirit. I have always held that most dogs are good.
My successor can hardly be as well bred or as well mannered or as distinguished and handsome as I was in my prime. My Master and Mistress must not ask the impossible. But he will do his best, I am sure, and even his inevitable defects will help by comparison to keep my memory green.
To him I bequeath my collar and leash and my overcoat and raincoat. He can never wear them with the distinction I did, all eyes fixed on me in admiration; but again I am sure he will do his utmost not to appear a mere gauche provincial dog.
Here on the ranch,he may prove himself quite worthy of comparison, in some respect. He will, I presume, come closer to jackrabbits than I have been able to in recent years. And for all his Faults, I hereby wish him the happiness I know will be his in my old home.
One last word of farewell, dear Master and Mistress.
Whenever you visit my grave,say to yourselves with regret but also with happiness in your hearts at the remembrance of my long, happy life with you : “Here lies one who loved us and whom we loved.”
No matter how deep my sleep I shall hear you and not all the power of death can keep my spirit from wagging a grateful tail. I will always love you as only a dog can.
Eugene O'Neill 1888 - 1953
Label heads: Pets
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Laos Trip Day 1.Fly
23 September 2007
Singapore ->Bangkok -> Luang Prabang
"Sorry, the system is under maintenance, please call again several hours later."
Several HOURS!? Several hours later, I should be in Bangkok boarding another plane to Laos already! Alone in the dark, with the very huge backpack.. I begun to sweat.. and didn't know what to do..
Singapore Changi Airport opened the Budget Terminal in 2005 to cater the increasing needs of budget airline business. This is my first time using this terminal. In my opinion, the Budget Terminal is a normal terminal without the "unnecessaries". For "unnecessaries" I mean things like air-conditioning (which they have fans instead), and the little connecting bridge from the boarding gate to the planes etc. Other than that, I don't see anything lack in Budget Terminal. There are bookstores, convenient store, souvenior shops and free internet access.
Perheps it was too early in the morning (it was just 6:30am), once she got my passport and boarding pass, she was stoned, seems that she didn't know what she supposed to do...
She didn't say anything to me.. 5 seconds later, I tried to break the ice by giving her the only ID I have on hand - my Student Pass. I wish it would help. A Student Pass is a little card which serves as a student visa in Singapore. I supposed I only need it when I enter the country.
Once she saw my Student Pass, I saw a light bulb on her head!! She knows what to do!! But!! before she did anything, she started to yell at me... scold at me.. do whatever she can to embarrass me. The main point she said was I didn't take out the Student Pass at first, so she didn't know what to do.. and I'm wasting ALL the people's time.. etc....
The journey from Singapore to Bangkok was about 2 to 3 hours. Due to time differences, I arrived Bangkok at 7:50am Bangkok time. I needed to fill in an arrival form for the Thai Immigration. There was a field called "Hotel" in the form. Since I was going to take another plane later, I don't know what to put there, I left that blank. Will I get scold again?
Ok, everything is done. I even got my big backpack back on my back. It was still 8 something. The flight to Luang Prabang is 12:40.. what should I do?
Long Live the King
Finally waited until 12:40! All other passengers and I board on a bus at the boarding gate. Our plane parked at a outer bay so we needed a bus to take us there. When the bus was about to stop, we saw two planes. One was a small jet, another one was a even smaller jet, a propeller-driven one... just when we were still guessing which one was our plane, the bus driver took us to the back of the propeller-driven one.. and we all laughed. Well, it seems that it's not only my first time taking this kind of aircraft!
My first time on a propeller-driven aircraft
Although the aircraft looks small on the outside, the seats are actually more comfortable than the usual 747 plane, of course I'm talking about the economy class! Once the flight took off, I tried very hard to catch some sleep. However, despite the time to spend on the in-flight meal, the nice lovely American lady sitting behind me kept giving her speech on "Women rights in the States" to the lady next to her, whom she just met on the plane. She didn't stop talking for the whole journey.. and I thought I only slept for about 10-15 minutes!
Ok..anyway, finally, I arrived in Luang Prabang at 2:40pm
Immigation time! Most of the visitors to Laos are required a visa to enter the country. Visa-on-arrival (30 days) can be applied at only 3 international airports (Luang Prabang, Vientaine and Pakse). The fee for visa is different according to the passport you are holding. Hong Kong is one of the most cheapest passport to get a visa to visit Laos, we only need to pay US$30. However, if you arrive there during weekend like me (this is Saturday!).. you have to pay an extra US$1 for the overtime of the immigration staff. The thing is, since most of us didn't have one dollar note, and they only accept US cash, the staff actually has to spend more time to find out how to give us the $9 changes!!
Once you got the visa done, it's very easy to get pass the immigration counter. I gave my passport to the staff there, they input some information to the computer. The staff were very nice and friendly. They even chat and share jokes with me.
This 'international' airport has only one bagguage belt. Since I spent very long time waiting for the visa to be done, when I get out from the immigration (which is just the room next door), the belt was stopped already. All the bagguages were placed nicely on the floor. Later I notice that other people from outside can actually come it and get the bagguages, but nothing was stolen.
Luang Prabang International Airport(shooting from the apron)
It only takes less than one minute to walk from the bagguage belt to the outside of the airport. Just when I stepped out, 2 men approached me at once and asked me if I wanted a cab to the town. I looked around, most of the tourists were gone except for one standing nearby. I asked him if he wanna share the cab with me. He agreed but he wanna check with the tourist information counter inside the airport for the normal cab fare so that we won't get cheated. We found out that the fare is all the same, we have to buy a 'taxi ticket' from the counter and get a cab. So we bought the ticket and hop onto a cab and started our way to the town of Luang Prabang.The 'taxi' we took was not the taxi we usually see in major cities. It was actually a mini van. And it can mainly be found at the airport. In the city, people either walk or travel by tuk-tuk. It took us about 15-20 minutes to go to the town. We introduced each other during the short trip. He is Dan, a 31 American from NY. He's already an experienced traveller! He has been lots of places in China!! A lot more than me, a Chinese!!
We stopped at the guesthouse that Dan found out from his guidebook. We went inside and asked for the price, then we went upstairs and checked the rooms. The staff was very nice, never push us to stay there. He first showed us a room with 2 single beds, Dan knew that I was only staying there for one night, so he suggested us to share the room to save costs. That was a good idea, but this was also my first night of my first individual trip.. I still feel strange of sharing a room with a person that I just knew.. so I prefered to have my own room instead. So we went downstairs wanted to pay for the rooms.. but the staff didn't come down with us.. I think he thought we're not going to take the room!! haha.. After a while, he went down and saw us waiting there.. he was abit surprised. When we told him we wanna take 2 separate rooms, he was even more surprised!
The whole Luang Prabang town was listed as World Heritage in 2005, it is one of the most important tourism destinations in Laos. Therefore the price of the rooms here is a bit higher than other places. The room I got this night costed US$13/night. Dan got a room without window, so it was one dollar cheaper.
After we settled down, Dan and I decided to have a walk around the town. We first walked along the Mekong River, it was very quite, we only saw a few locals walking pass. One the way, we made a visit to the Wat Xieng Thong (Entrance fee: 20000kip = US$2).
We walked till the end of the road and turn right to the Nam Khan River. There were lots of Wats on the way but we didn't visit all of them. We just walked very slowly and had a nice chat all the way. We passed by some travel agencies on the way, I bought the bus ticket to Phonsavan for tomorrow and Dan also asked some information about the boats.
We walked until dusk and we were at the bottom of the Phu Si hill. Dan realized that there was a Wat up in the hill and suggested to go up and have a look, so we decided to climb up the hill... of course there were stairs.. we climbed and climbed until we almost couldn't make it.. we reached the top of the stairs!! AND! we found the ticketing counter!!! There was another stair!! And the Laos are humorous enough to write down how many steps we had just climbed (130) and how many more we need to climb up to the top (190). Dan and I couldn't stop laughing when we saw those signs.. we rested for a while, paid for the tickets and climbed the remaining 190 steps!
Still 190 steps!!
Top of the world
There were some big steps on the hill just perfectly serve as seating space for tourists to view the sunset. Though the place is quite small up there, there were still 20-30 people sitting or standing there waiting to witness the sunset. At that time, I felt the power of the nature.. there were no signs, no guards on the hill, but no one speak a word. It was so quite.. everyone just keep silent to enjoy every second.
I didn't expect to see this at all, so by the time I saw the sunset, I was so excited! This is not my first time watching sunset, but this was surely the most beautiful one! After the sun was gone, we didn't go immediately, we sat there and played with a kitten who has been sleeping there during the sunset!! Then a girl wearing some sort of uniform approached Dan and asked him to fill up a survey. She heard from Dan that I am not Laos (!!), so she also came and asked me. The survey was something about my consumption behaviour in Luang Prabang.
After that, we got back to the main street and ready to go for dinner. Dan is a vegetarian, originally he wanted to go to a restaurant suggested by the guidebook. But after we walked for a while, we walked pass and got attracted by a vegetarian buffet store on the street! The food looked delicious and the price was even more attractive! only 5000kip (US$0.5) per plate. So we changed our mind and had our dinner here! The food was really nice, we both cleared our own plate!!
Vegetarian buffet
It was only 8pm+ after the dinner! We head slowly back to the guesthouse, walked pass a night market selling all kinds of cooked food. After we reached the guesthouse, we sat down at the outdoor area of the restaurant, and we both tried the very famous Beer Lao! One thing we didn't know is that the bottle of Beer Lao is 650ml! So huge! Lucky the taste is very nice, i can easily finish it!

We drink and chat until 9 somthing, I have to wake up at 6:30am tomorrow, so I headed back to my room after the beer. Dan gave me his name card and we said goodbye for now.
Somehow I think that I was very lucky that I actually met Dan at the airport. Otherwise, I definitely would not climb up Phu Si hill and I would have missed the sunset! And I would also just booked my bus ticket through guesthouse and never go and check with travel agencies. I really have to thank Dan!!
Dan and me
The headache thus ended my beautiful day.
Expenditure for today
Cab to Changi Airport:SGD16 = US$11
Burger King:THB235 = US$7.5
Visa for Laos:US$31
Cab to Luang Prabang town:US$4
Tickets for Wat:20000kip x 2 = US4
Dinner:12000kip = US$1.2
Bus ticket to Phonsavan incl. tuk tuk:160000kip = US16
What is a personal blog for?
I've been thinking these days why I've been writing this blog. What is a blog for? Am I writing for myself? Am I writing for my friends? Am I writing for everyone in the world?
People used to write diaries, and it was a very personal thing. Blog somehow does the same function as diary, people record their daily life on their blogs. However, blog is public, and people tend to invite their friends to visit their blogs.
I used to have no problem at all sharing my thoughts on the internet. I used to write everything I wanna write here and I'm prepared to let anyone know what I think and what I did. But thing has changed recently.
I have something in particular I really want to write. I really want to keep track of my feelings these days. But I cannot write it here. I cannot write anywhere on the internet. I don't even think I should buy a diary and write it down. But I really want to keep all these memories.
Is this my blog? What can't I write anything I want to? I can't tell anyone about this. Maybe I can just keep it in my mind.
Label heads: Thoughts
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Hand puppet
A lecturer showed us this video clip during the lecture break today. I think it's very nice!
Label heads: Clips, Just for Fun
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
How can we break them?
How can we break all the barriers?
How can I tell who is you and who is not?
How can we get rid of all those troubles?
How many more do we need to get through?
Are you sure we can make it?
Are you sure you wanna make it?
How long do we need to wait?
Will it be forever?
Can anybody answer these questions?
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Laos trip report (Chinese)
started writing down what I've down in my Laos trip finally, but in Chinese first for my family and the magazine.
I've started a new blog for it..
hopefully I can finish it by this week then I may start considering writing the English version here. =P
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Brown Eye Blue Eye
This is a nice program which talks about discrimination. I highly recommend to all of you.
I know people will never understand the impact of discrimination until once they being discriminated against. I do hope by watching this program, all of us can think about ourselves, think about how we generalize people by their appearances, races... etc.
This program is about an Iowa schoolteacher who, the day after Martin Luther King Jr. was murdered in 1968, gave her third-grade students a first-hand experience in the meaning of discrimination. This is the story of what she taught the children, and the impact that lesson had on their lives.
Chapter 1 The Daring Lesson
Jane Elliott divides her 3rd graders into blue and brown-eyed groups. She tells the blue-eyes they are "the better people in this room," gives them privileges and comments on their superiority all day. The brown eyes must wear collars.
Chapter 2 Day Two
Today, roles are reversed. Elliott says she lied and that "the truth is that brown-eyed people are better than blue-eyed people." On this day the brown eyes score higher on a test compared to the previous day when they were "inferior."
Chapter 3 14 Years Later...
At a special reunion in 1984, Elliott's former students watch the original 1970 film of themselves as 3rd graders and talk about the effect her lesson has had on their lives.
Chapter 4 Teaching It to Adults
Jane Elliott is hired to give her "brown eyes-blue eyes" lesson to employees of Iowa's Corrections Department. She quickly succeeds in confusing, angering and upsetting them.
Chapter 5 How the Adults Reacted
Elliott continues to demean and antagonize the "inferior" blue-eyed employees and some strike back. Later, during their debriefing, all the employees analyze what happened to them.
Label heads: Culture
Friday, October 12, 2007
A phone call
A man started walking alone in the bush.
Indeed he should be sleeping after trekking for the whole day.
But he kept walking...
An hour later, he was finally there..
A place where there is reception for his cellphone..
He called her.
He talked with her for less than 10 mins.
After that,
He had to walk for an hour to get back to his camp.
Label heads: Love
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
It would be nice
It would be so nice..
if love is just love..
there's no need to worry about future..
there's no need to worry about others..
there's no need to worry about differences..
It would be so nice..
if we could stay in this ideal world..
But I wonder how long can we stay?
or.. how long are we WILLING to stay?
Label heads: Thoughts
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
You and me
I suddenly notice that we are so far apart from each other.
There is no way to get back to the old good days.
I knew this will happen, and it indeed happened.
Interestingly, I'm not as sad as I thought I would have.
I guess I lost my heart.
Label heads: Love
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Taking pics while travelling
People travel because of various reasons, some may go for relax and leisure, others may go for experiencing different cultures. People like me, a photography lover, may also travel to take good pictures.
It doesn't create any problem if photographers go travelling and take pictures of landscapes, buildings, natures.. etc. But more and more photographers like to capture the 'real culture' of the places they travel.. so they like to shoot people's daily life.
To be honest, I do have a desire to take those kind of pictures as well, especially when I saw others' great pictures! However, I do think we need to give certain respect to the people there as well.
This time I went to Laos, one of the famous shooting scene is the morning alms in dawn at Luang Prabang, where you can see monks lining up and ladies giving alms to them. I did plan to go and take pictures at first. But after I read someone's blog, I changed my mind. That person went to see and tried to take pictures of monks lining up.. and one of the monks actually walked out of the camera...
Other things I read from guide books and internet is that in Laos, ladies are not supposed to touch monks, and even when we speak to them, we have to lower our heads.. and tourists never do that, especially when they wanna take photos!
The whole morning alms session is not made for tourists.. it's Laos traditions and it's their daily life. I see no point for us to disturb them. So I decided not to go at all. It's part of their life, not a performance to us.
After I uploaded my pictures on my album, I posted a few of them on an online forum. Of course I didn't get good comments, I guess because I don't have good skills and I don't have good close-ups..
At the same day of my postings, another member posted his serious of pictures taken in Laos. His pictures were great. Lots of good comments. But as I can imagine, lots of them are taken very closed to the locals.
Just imagine... suddenly people from other parts of the world feel interested in the ways of your daily life.. and they started to come to you.. and everyday you've got giant cameras, long lens focusing you.. how would you feel??
Yes, we go to their places, we spend money and they benefit from that. But it doesn't mean that we own that place! Can we give more respect to them?
I really wish they can have their own life back.
Label heads: Laos, Photography, Thoughts
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Friday, October 5, 2007
Hong Kong Boardband TV Ad
Nice funny ad with simple direct message pointing out the weakness of its major competitor still using the old phone line.
Label heads: advertisments
Trip to Laos - Photos
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Nice birthday
My birthday this year wasn't very bad...
Seems to me that this is my second birthday that I had to be on my own?
can't remember already... birthday is not so important to me now ever since I broke up with my last bf.
Before that, I had at least 8 years that I had my birthday dinner with my first and second boyfriend.
Last year I had a great birthday though, it happened to be a public holiday in Australia and my sisters celebrated with me. We went horse riding and went to the zoo.. that was the first time my two sisters celebrate my bday with me, without our parents.
This year..
I had full day class with one exam..
tiring but okay to me..
I'm not quite sure about how I did in the exam.. I'm really bad at economics.. so.. well..
but somehow some of my friends did say happy bday to me when I met them at school, all thanks to the Facebook.. =)
I didn't get the call I wished on the birthday. But the person called today. I'm very happy for that although we could only talk for about two minutes!
I've also got a birthday surprise! From my nice nice brother Charles!
He's sending me a birthday present... I guess this is the only birthday present I've got this year! hahaa
As far as I remember, this is the 2nd birthday present he gave me.. I forced him to give me the last one few years ago.. =P
I love you big brother!!
Hope you are sending me some food... hahaha
Label heads: Life
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Happy Birthday to Me!!
Yeah! It's my birthday today!
But I'm not going to celebrate with anyone this year.
I am having an exam at 8am, and will have class until 8pm!
What a wonderful day! haha
And I've got some problems with my right leg, so I don't really feel like going anywhere.
But I'm expecting a call from a very special someone. =)
This is the only thing I want to have in my birthday this year, and I know I will get it! =)
By the way,
I will try to write something about my Laos trip later after all the exams and assignments.. been very busy these few days, I don't even have time to look at the pictures I took. =P
Label heads: Life