Friday, August 31, 2007

My magician

My friends may not notice this, but I always have strong preferences on things, people I first met, courses I'm taking.. etc. I always have hard time forcing myself to do things that I don't want to, especially when I have to study something I don't like at all.

This kind of strong preferences reflect on my phsycial health sometimes. Despite exteremly low speed of reading articles and texts related to those subjects I don't like, if I keep on forcing myself to study, I always vomit.

The only way I can solve this problem is to give my brother a call if possible. Let him laugh at me or scold me for awhile, then he will somehow make me relax and laugh again. I never know how he did that but it always works! He's my magician.

Dear brother, I'm in serious trouble now, where are you?

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