I was going to write these last nite..
but after long long time of typing... the whole thing gone suddently!!
anyway.. let's start over..
many many things happened since the last time I wrote here.
I went for a 2-week trip in Australia with my family to celebrate my sister's gradution.
The trip was better than we expected... it was quite another long story to tell..
I may need to write it on another day..
Just 1 day after my family head back to Hong Kong, I started my journey to Singapore.
I arrived on the 28th Dec 2006, since I didn't get any confirmation from the hostel of NUs before I fly,
I booked a hotel for a few days to make sure I've somewhere to stay.
This is really my first time in life, stepping on a country without knowing anyone, what an exciting experience!
When I first went to Australia, my sister was already there.
My hotel is located in Aljurnied, which is quite a low class red light district to me... I'm not sure about this.
but u can see a lot of "ladies" standing everywhere on the street at nite... or sometimes even in the morning...
so.. when I walked on the street at nite.. I was stared by everyone on the street.. hahah.. quite scary...
So, I went to my hostel to see if I can check in a bit earlier.. and the answer was "yes.. as long as u pay for the extra days.."
so here I am in my hostel room.
The semester has already started for 3 weeks now..
most of the things are fine to me.. especially the work load here are slightly lighter than in ANU..
Here in NUS, I'm taking 5 modules (which is considered to be too much for exchange students....)
for those 5 modules, only 1 of them has final exam.
and as far as I remember, on 1 or 2 have individual assessment.
all others are bascially with 1 group project (report + presentation), 2 quizzes and participation..
While in ANU, we normally have all of the above + final exam - quizzes + 1 or 2 individual essay/report for each module
However, one thing I have to really try to get use to it is that.. most of the modules in Business Facualty here have 3-hr lectures...
I really wonder who made this kind of decision to have 3-hr lectures?? Do they know that people cannot concerntrate for so long?
The worst thing is.. during those 3hrs.. we ususally only have 5 minutes break!
It really kills me... I didn't fell asleep during those lectures, but I'm sure I can't take 100% out of it.. maybe only 70% or even lower..
coz sometimes I just have to let my brain take a rest or do a bit day dreaming before I can put some more into it..
Just checked with my timetable.. I've got class on Mon, Tue, Thu and Fri.. and one 3-hr lecture each day!!
Give me a break~~
something happened last week..
I won a 2nd prize in a photo competition held by the Internationl Relation Office of NUS. I was so excited!!
but after long long time of typing... the whole thing gone suddently!!
anyway.. let's start over..
many many things happened since the last time I wrote here.
I went for a 2-week trip in Australia with my family to celebrate my sister's gradution.
The trip was better than we expected... it was quite another long story to tell..
I may need to write it on another day..
Just 1 day after my family head back to Hong Kong, I started my journey to Singapore.
I arrived on the 28th Dec 2006, since I didn't get any confirmation from the hostel of NUs before I fly,
I booked a hotel for a few days to make sure I've somewhere to stay.
This is really my first time in life, stepping on a country without knowing anyone, what an exciting experience!
When I first went to Australia, my sister was already there.
My hotel is located in Aljurnied, which is quite a low class red light district to me... I'm not sure about this.
but u can see a lot of "ladies" standing everywhere on the street at nite... or sometimes even in the morning...
so.. when I walked on the street at nite.. I was stared by everyone on the street.. hahah.. quite scary...
So, I went to my hostel to see if I can check in a bit earlier.. and the answer was "yes.. as long as u pay for the extra days.."
so here I am in my hostel room.
The semester has already started for 3 weeks now..
most of the things are fine to me.. especially the work load here are slightly lighter than in ANU..
Here in NUS, I'm taking 5 modules (which is considered to be too much for exchange students....)
for those 5 modules, only 1 of them has final exam.
and as far as I remember, on 1 or 2 have individual assessment.
all others are bascially with 1 group project (report + presentation), 2 quizzes and participation..
While in ANU, we normally have all of the above + final exam - quizzes + 1 or 2 individual essay/report for each module
However, one thing I have to really try to get use to it is that.. most of the modules in Business Facualty here have 3-hr lectures...
I really wonder who made this kind of decision to have 3-hr lectures?? Do they know that people cannot concerntrate for so long?
The worst thing is.. during those 3hrs.. we ususally only have 5 minutes break!
It really kills me... I didn't fell asleep during those lectures, but I'm sure I can't take 100% out of it.. maybe only 70% or even lower..
coz sometimes I just have to let my brain take a rest or do a bit day dreaming before I can put some more into it..
Just checked with my timetable.. I've got class on Mon, Tue, Thu and Fri.. and one 3-hr lecture each day!!
Give me a break~~
something happened last week..
I won a 2nd prize in a photo competition held by the Internationl Relation Office of NUS. I was so excited!!

The competition is held for international students at NUS, the theme is "Looking Out.. Looking In"
I submit 1 photo each for the "people" and "lifestyle" category.
and I won the 2nd prize with the "people" one..
I never won any prizes in photo compeitions before.. (of course, I never participated before I start learning photography)
Actually, I also participated in another photo competition but I didnt win.. hahaha..
But.. I'm going to submit some photos for another competition again~~~
good luck to me~~
well.. I try to upload the photo which helped me won here... see if u like it or not~~
feel free to comment~
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