Monday, November 27, 2006

Leaving in a month

One month left in Aus..
I'm leaving here on the 28th Dec..
another New Year Eve alone in a foreign country.. so weird..
but I'll be fine.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Small potato

I used to be an important person among my family, my friends, my classmates and my colleagues in the past.
People always come to me for suggestions when they have problems.
They trusted me, they thought that I have good analysis skills.

But everything has changed.
Nobody trust me now, not my family, not my friends, not my colleagues, of course not my classmates.
Somehow I know why.
Coz they think I can't even manage my own life.
and yes, they're right!

Honestly, I don't really wanna get back to the "important role" I used to have.
However, sometimes I do want to get involve and give suggestions especially when I notice somethings wrong!
but no one cares what I said now..sigh
yes.. I'm a small potato now.

fine, of course I don't care people don't come to me for they problems,
becoz it must be something wrong about me when they do so!
but, why are they excluding me even when those issues are related to me??
am I really that NOT important??
What I feel is that they just want me to shut up and say nothing and do whatever they say.
but I'm already 28.
should I be allowed to say something or at least let me know what's going on?

I know how people view me..
I'm 28 and still studying in university.
but what can I do?
I have no choice.
People want me to have a fxxking Bachelar Degree.
I don't mean I don't want it.. but I didn't want to give up my job and go overseas for 3 whole years at age 27!
I don't think I cant sucess without a Degree
and I'm not giving up my studies, I'm willing to do a part-time degree in HK.
But that's not they want.. and I'm doing want they want now..
and "furthering studies" doesn't make people respect me, on the other hand, i somehow feel that i've been looked down.

yes.. I know I shouldn't care about how people think about me..
but what about my family? shouldn't I care about them?
I came to study becoz of them.. and they now don't respect me anymore..

but.. what else can I do..?
I'll just accept my new role - small potato!

I'll just get away from people, friends and family..
and that's why I'm going to Singapore next month.. so I can live alone again.

it's time for me to live for myself.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Lie, damned lies and statistics

Social Situations
Lies are told in approximately one out of every three social situations.

Protect yourself
People's willingness to lie is motivated by their desire to protect their public self-image and also their internal sense of worth

Lying to friends
People are more willing to lie about performance on a task to people they know as opposed to people they do not know.

It's subjective
People are more likely to lie about their performance on a task when the results are subjective, as opposed to objective.

Argo, J.J., White, K. & Dahl, D.W. (2006) "Social comparison theory and deception in the interpersonal exchange of consumption information." Journal of Consumer Research, 33, 99-108

2 interesting animations

Male Restroom Etiquette

Nina and Gundam (Cat VS Gundam)


Sunday, November 12, 2006

Leaving Australia

I'm going to study overseas (again) next year!
I've applied for exchange to
National University of Singapore and finally got approved last week.
I just need some more administration stuff do deal with..
and I'm set to go..